Policy Press

General non-fiction

We publish serious non-fiction social commentary and debate for a wide audience. These high quality books are written by academics, professionals and other experts in an accessible way bringing key issues of social, political and cultural significance to a wide readership. These books have an impact: advancing knowledge, raising awareness and encouraging social change.

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Showing 25-36 of 97 items.

Ferraris for All

In Defence of Economic Progress

In Ferraris for all, Daniel Ben-Ami argues that society as a whole benefits from greater affluence and action is needed to increase and spread global prosperity.

Policy Press


Adventures of a broken body

Fracturing her arm in the grounds of a hotel in the USA leads Ann Oakley on a journey into some critical themes of modern Western culture.

Policy Press

From Greed to Wellbeing

A Buddhist Approach to Resolving Our Economic and Financial Crises

The global financial system seems caught in a cycle of boom and bust, instability and scandal. Building on the classic works of E F Schumacher and other kindred spirits, Magnuson provides a Buddhist economics perspective on this recurring pattern and offers new possibilities for change.

Policy Press

Generation Share

The Change-Makers Building the Sharing Economy

Generation Share takes readers on a journey around the globe to meet the people who are changing and saving lives by building a Sharing Economy. Through stunning photography, social commentary and interviews, Generation Share showcases extraordinary stories demonstrating the power of sharing.

Policy Press

Getting By

Estates, Class and Culture in Austerity Britain

Lisa Mckenzie lived on the notorious St Ann’s estate in Nottingham for more than 20 years. Her ‘insider’ status enables us to hear the stories of its residents, often wary of outsiders, to give a unique account of life in poor communities in contemporary Britain.

Policy Press

Good Times, Bad Times

The Welfare Myth of Them and Us

This revised edition uses extensive updated research and survey evidence to challenge the view of 'skivers versus strivers', showing how much our lives vary not just as we age, but from week-to-week and year-to-year.

Policy Press

The Happiness Problem

Expecting Better in an Uncertain World

The Happiness Problem shows that the illusion of control over our lives is too simplistic and can even be harmful. Sam Wren-Lewis offers an alternative: he proposes that we can connect with, and gain a deeper understanding of, the personal and social challenges that define our time.

Policy Press

Health Divides

Where You Live Can Kill You

Clare Bambra examines the social, environmental, economic and political causes of health inequalities, how they have evolved over time and what they are like today. Revealing gaps in life expectancy of up to 25 years between places just a few miles apart, this important book demonstrates that where you live can kill you.

Policy Press

Hidden Stories of the Stephen Lawrence Inquiry

Personal Reflections

This unique book provides an insider's view of the seminal inquiry into Stephen Lawrence's murder. This accessible and engaging book includes analysis of hitherto inaccessible transcripts, and shows how the Inquiry was undermined to the point of failure to produce the desired results.

Policy Press

Hunger Pains

Life inside Foodbank Britain

We know the statistics, but what does it feel like to be forced to turn to foodbanks for help? What does it take to get emergency food, and what's in the food parcel? This is a powerful insight into the harsh reality of foodbank use from the inside.

Policy Press

The Immigrant War

A Global Movement Against Discrimination and Exploitation

In this original, accessible book, Vittorio Longhi uses a global perspective to highlight the 'immigrant war and struggle for human rights, citizenship and equality', despite a policy vacuum towards immigration among governments of developed states.

Policy Press

The Inequality Crisis

The facts and what we can do about it

Inequality has at last taken centre stage in the political discourse, but there is very little to explain the inequality debates and to offer solutions for the UK. This introductory book provides a comprehensive survey of all the available evidence, looking at both sides of the inequality argument.

Policy Press