Policy Press

Ageing and Gerontology - Research

Showing 49-60 of 114 items.

Intersections of Ageing, Gender and Sexualities

Multidisciplinary International Perspectives

This edited collection examines ageing, gender, and sexualities from multidisciplinary and geographically diverse perspectives and looks at how these factors combine with other social divisions to affect experiences of ageing.

Policy Press

Precarity and Ageing

Understanding Insecurity and Risk in Later Life

This edited collection develops an exciting new approach to understanding the changing cultural, economic and social circumstances facing different groups of older people.

Policy Press

The Evolution of British Gerontology

Personal Perspectives and Historical Developments

This landmark critical review of five decades of gerontology research, theory, policy and practice highlights key developments and current issues in the subject. It draws on interviews with dozens of influential academics to place the UK’s achievements in an international context, and considers where thinking in the field of ageing might go next.

Policy Press

Remote and Rural Dementia Care

Policy, Research and Practice

This is the first comprehensive review of dementia research, policy and practice in remote and rural settings. Drawing on case studies from the UK, Australia, Europe and North America, it sets out the unique needs of sufferers and carers in isolated locations, and identifies areas for future research and improvements in dementia services.

Policy Press

Housing and Life Course Dynamics

Changing Lives, Places and Inequalities

Deepening inequalities and wider processes of demographic, economic and social change are altering how people across the Global North move between homes and neighbourhoods over the lifespan. This book presents a life course framework for understanding how the changing dynamics of people’s lives influence their residential experiences.

Policy Press

The New Dynamics of Ageing Volume 2

Edited by Alan Walker

A comprehensive multi-disciplinary overview of the very latest research on ageing, concentrating on four major themes: autonomy and independence in later life, biology and ageing, food and nutrition and representation of old age.

Policy Press

Ethnicity and Old Age

Expanding our Imagination

By bringing attention to the way that ethnicity and race have been addressed in research on ageing and old age, with a focus on health inequalities, health and social care, intergenerational relationships and caregiving, this book proposes how research can be developed in an ethnicity astute and diversity informed manner.

Policy Press

Ageing and diversity

Multiple pathways and cultural migrations

To understand contemporary ageing it is necessary to recognise its diversity. Drawing on an extraordinary range of theory, original research and empirical sources, this book assesses the stereotyped conceptions of ageing, and offers a critical and updated perspective.

Policy Press

Biographical methods and professional practice

An international perspective

The turn to biographical methods in social science is invigorating the relationship between policy and practice. This book shows how biographical methods can improve theoretical understanding of professional practice, as well as enrich the development of professionals, and promote more meaningful practitioner - service user relationships.

Policy Press

Transitions and the Lifecourse

Challenging the Constructions of 'Growing Old'

This book offers a unique perspective on ideas about late life as expressed in social policy and socio-cultural constructs of age with lived experience.

Policy Press

Resilience and Ageing

Creativity, Culture and Community

A multidisciplinary collection examining how cultural engagement can enhance resilience, reduce social isolation and help older people to thrive and overcome challenging life events and everyday problems associated with ageing.

Policy Press

Ageing in urban neighbourhoods

Place attachment and social exclusion

This book addresses the shortfall in knowledge regarding older people's attachment to deprived neighbourhoods, offering a re-conceptualisation of environmental gerontology. The author examines new research, challenging the common view that ageing 'in place' is optimal, particularly within areas that present multiple risks to the individual.

Policy Press