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Ageing and the Lifecourse

Series Editor: Judith Phillips, University of Stirling, UK.

"Integrates a sophisticated understanding of ageing with novel analyses of how the life course influences policy responses and theoretical understandings of ageing in contemporary societies." Professor Sara Arber, University of Surrey, UK

"This refreshing and exciting series provides cutting edge discussion of key contemporary issues for ageing societies. It provides an essential and valuable resource for students, academics, practitioners and policy makers." John Bond, Newcastle University, UK

This wide-ranging series provides readers with much-needed texts and critical perspectives on the latest research, theory, policy and practice developments.

Focusing on the social rather than the medical aspects of ageing, the series bridges the gaps in the literature as well as providing cutting-edge debate on new and traditional areas of ageing, all from a lifecourse perspective.

Showing 13-18 of 18 items.

Ageing, Insight and Wisdom

Meaning and Practice across the Lifecourse

This book focuses on older people as makers of meaning and insight, highlighting the ways older people form part of social and symbolic landscapes and the types of wisdom they can offer.

Policy Press

Ageing, health and care

The ageing of the population has enormous policy implications for health care. This important new textbook, written by a leader in the field, covers key questions such as the fitness of older people in the future, the widening inequalities in the health of older people and how health in old age reflects habits and behaviour in earlier life.

Policy Press

Ageing with Disability

A Lifecourse Perspective

This is the first book to address the issue of ageing after a long life with disability. It breaks new ground through its particular life course perspective, examining what it means to age with a physical or mental disability.

Policy Press

Ageing in urban neighbourhoods

Place attachment and social exclusion

This book addresses the shortfall in knowledge regarding older people's attachment to deprived neighbourhoods, offering a re-conceptualisation of environmental gerontology. The author examines new research, challenging the common view that ageing 'in place' is optimal, particularly within areas that present multiple risks to the individual.

Policy Press

Ageing in a consumer society

From passive to active consumption in Britain

This book provides a unique critical perspective on the changing nature of later life by examining the engagement of older people with consumer society in Britain since the 1960s.

Policy Press

Ageing and intergenerational relations

Family reciprocity from a global perspective

Edited by Misa Izuhara

This book explores the exchange of support between generations and examines variations in contemporary practice and theory in different societies around the world. It draws on theoretical perspectives to discuss both newly emerging patterns of family reciprocity and more established ones affected by changing issues in contemporary societies.

Policy Press