Policy Press

Comparative and Global Social Policy

Showing 49-60 of 79 items.

Social Policy Review 29

Analysis and Debate in Social Policy, 2017

Published in association with the SPA, this edition presents an up-to-date and diverse review of the best in social policy scholarship over the past 12 months, from a group of internationally renowned authors.

Policy Press

The Human Atlas of Europe

A Continent United in Diversity

Written by leading international authors, this timely atlas explores Europe’s society, culture, economy, politics and environment using state of the art mapping techniques. It addresses fundamental questions around social cohesion and sustainable growth as Europe negotiates the UK’s exit while continuing through the economic crisis.

Policy Press

Infrastructure in Africa

Lessons for Future Development

This book presents a comprehensive exploration of the state of infrastructure in Africa and provides an integrated analysis of the challenges the sector faces, based on extensive fieldwork across the continent, providing an important resource for researchers, students, policymakers and NGOs.

Policy Press

Social and Caring Professions in European Welfare States

Policies, Services and Professional Practices

Focusing on research representing different types of European welfare states, including the Scandinavian and the Continental, this collection provides new insights about current welfare professions.

Policy Press

From Greed to Wellbeing

A Buddhist Approach to Resolving Our Economic and Financial Crises

The global financial system seems caught in a cycle of boom and bust, instability and scandal. Building on the classic works of E F Schumacher and other kindred spirits, Magnuson provides a Buddhist economics perspective on this recurring pattern and offers new possibilities for change.

Policy Press

Social Policy Review 28

Analysis and Debate in Social Policy, 2016

Published in association with the SPA, with specially commissioned reviews of pensions, health care, conditionality and housing and including a themed section on personalised budgets, this book examines important debates in the field.

Policy Press

Exploring the Production of Urban Space

Differential Space in Three Post-Industrial Cities

This important book engages critically with Lefebvre’s spatial theories and challenges recent thinking about the nature of urban space. Research in three iconic post-industrial cities in the UK and North America, explains how urban public spaces, including differential space are socially produced.

Policy Press

Introduction to Social Policy Analysis

Illuminating Welfare

Illustrating the insights which Social Policy analysis offers to understanding the social world through examples such as the impact decisions about care provision have on workplace opportunities and access to welfare for men and women.

Policy Press

Development in Africa

Refocusing the Lens After the Millennium Development Goals

This important book looks beyond the Millennium Development Goals to highlight 12 major public policy conversations about the continent post-2015, arguing that Africa as a continent must work on developing a society that is socially, economically and politically inclusive.

Policy Press

Social Policy in Times of Austerity

Global Economic Crisis and the New Politics of Welfare

The 2008 global economic crisis has led to a new age of austerity, based more on politics than economics, which threatens to undermine the very foundations of the welfare state. However, as resistance to the logic of austerity grows, this important book argues that there is still room for optimism.

Policy Press

Access to Justice for Disadvantaged Communities

EPUB and EPDF available Open Access under CC-BY-NC-ND licence. This unique study explores how strategies to safeguard the provision of legal advice and access to welfare rights to disadvantaged communities might be developed in ways that strengthen rather than undermine the basic ethics and principles of public service provision.

Policy Press

Tracing the Political

Depoliticisation, Governance and the State

Tracing the political uses a broad range of international case studies to chart the politicising and depoliticising dynamics that shape debates about the future of democracy and governance in the neoliberal state.

Policy Press