Policy Press

Peak Injustice

Solving Britain’s Inequality Crisis

By Danny Dorling


Oct 1, 2024

Page count

352 pages




216 x 140 mm


Policy Press


Oct 1, 2024

Page count

352 pages




216 x 140 mm


Policy Press


Oct 1, 2024

Page count

352 pages




216 x 140 mm


Policy Press
Peak Injustice

By 2024 a majority of parents in the UK with three or more children were going hungry to feed their families. Children in the UK are becoming shorter and childhood mortality has been rising. What part does living with high inequality play in understanding how we have got to the point of peak injustice, when surely the situation cannot become worse?

Although 2018 was a year of peak income and wealth inequality in the UK, absolute deprivation has continued to grow since then, especially after the pandemic.

Peak Injustice follows up the best-selling Peak Inequality (2018), offering a carefully curated selection of Danny Dorling’s latest published writing with brand new content looking to the future, including challenges for a new government in 2024/25, the impact of Jeremy Corbyn’s legacy, and the implications of Keir Starmer’s many blind spots.

An essential addition to readers’ Dorling collections.

“I hope we've not reached Peak Dorling – we need Danny’s wisdom and knowledge to help us root out injustice and work towards a better world.” Kate E. Pickett, University of York

“A sobering and poignantly written wake-up call. With his trademark deployment of meticulous statistical evidence, Dorling catalogues the causes of Britain’s decline and proposes solutions for real change and repair.” David Olusoga, broadcaster and television producer

“Danny Dorling charts the contours of our society with a self evident passion and creativity that not only explain its grotesque inequalities but inspire us to understand how we can radically change it.” Rt Hon John McDonnell, MP for Hayes and Harlington

“In this book, a world-class scholar of inequality convincingly makes the case that, despite everything, and not just perfunctorily, it’s worth having hope.” Marcos González Hernando, UCL Social Research Institute and Universidad Diego Portales

"Danny Dorling embodies the conscience of the left in Britain, disappointed, angry but still hopeful. This book raises uneasy questions about prolonged social injustice. A new government should answer them." Guy Standing FAcSS, SOAS University of London

Danny Dorling is Halford Mackinder Professor of Geography at the University of Oxford and a Fellow of St Peter’s College. He is a patron of RoadPeace, Comprehensive Future and Heeley City Farm. He has published over 50 books, including the best-selling Peak Inequality: Britain’s Ticking Timebomb (2018) and Injustice: Why Social Inequality Still Persists (2014).

Introduction – After the Peak of Inequality

Part 1: The politics of hope

1. On Corbyn

2. Would you let Johnson drive your daughter home?

3. Misrule Britannia: Brexit is the last gasp of empire

4. The curve of inequality and the Brexit Way

5. Everything, almost everywhere, is slowing down

6. So, how did we end up with this government?

7. Finland, a summary of how much better it can be

8. Osborne, Johnston and Starmer: Let them eat growth?

9. A Tale of Three Elections: Sweden, Italy and England

10. What the UK in 1922 and 2017 had in common

11. Conspiracy Theories: Bus gates and open minds

12. Are things about to get better?

13. Persuade Sunak to join the Patriotic Millionaires

Part 2: Poverty, Destitution and Happiness

1. Who spends more wisely: Individuals or government?

2. Dying quietly: English suburbs and the stiff upper lip

3. The Wreckers who tore British society apart

4. Comparing inequality in Beijing and London

5. Austerity, not influenza, caused the UK’s health to deteriorate

6. The Income Shock of 2020, the fall after peak inequality

7. The Roundabout – class hate in England

8. Why Finland is still the happiest country

9. Most people in the UK now share Robert Owen’s views

10. The long shadow of the cost of living emergency

11. The crises combine: austerity, cost-of-living, jobs and pay

Part 3: Levelling across housing

1. Our Museum Future

2. When everyone you know buys art

3. The Revival of Two-Party Politics

4. Short cuts on homelessness

5. Who still dies young in a rich city

6. How to Solve the Housing Crisis

7. Public spending in the UK Europe

8. House Prices: welcoming a crash

9. Houses, not homelessness

10. A Letter from Helsinki

11. Truss and Autumn 2022

12. Labour and levelling Up

Part 4: Eugenics and the fear of too many people

1. The Blank Slate – Toby Young and Social Mobility

2. Writing off the student debt

3. Defending free university tuition

4. Examining the genetic influences on educational attainment

5. When racism stopped being normal

6. School enjoyment and later educational achievement

7. Brexit and Britain’s Radical Right

8. Decarbonising economies is like denuclearising weaponry

9. Capitalism and Global Income Inequality

10. About Our Schools

11. The birth of Baby 8 Billion

12. History Repeating

Part 5: how austerity undermined our public health

1. Mortality improvements stalled in England

2. Geographical inequalities in health by occupation

3. The Brexit vote, declining health and immigration

4. Homelessness and public health

5. Why life expectancy in England and Wales is ‘stalling’

6. The cuts and poor health

7. Things fall apart: The British Health Crisis 2010-2020

8. How many were dead by Christmas

9. The Decimation of the NHS

10. Slowing down and returning to normal

11. Falling down the global ranks

12. How austerity caused the NHS crisis

Part 6: Fear, the pandemic and turning points

1. First graphs of a global slowdown in COVID-19 deaths

2. Where the coronavirus death rate is heading

3. COVID-19 spreads differently from SARS

4. Why coronavirus death rates won’t fall as quickly as they rose

5. Why death rates did not rise directly with case numbers in 2020.

6. Why coronavirus rates rose in some areas of England and not others

7. Is the cure worse than the disease? The most divisive question of 2020

8. Why COVID-19 was more severe in the north of England in autumn 2020

9. The City of Oxford and the Pandemic in 2020/21

10. It’s not going away: a real debate about the best way to live with COVID

11. The never-ending pandemic

12. The end of great expectations: The pandemic inquiry

13. From the Pandemic to the Cost-of-Living Crisis

14. Why the UK’s covid-19 inquiry is right to look at policies since 2010

15. Coronavirus and the coronary heart disease epidemic

Part 7: How the elite respond to change

1. Inequality and Oxford

2. Dyslexia and The Problem with pride

3. Oxford Housing and the Survivor Syndrome

4. Kindness: A new kind of rigour for British Geographers

5. The University of Oxford: a changed Institution?

6. The Stones of the University of Oxford

7. Economics and compassion

8. Generational change in British academic Geography

9. Talking geography in the public realm

10. 10 suggestions for the new government of 2024/25
