Policy Press

American Philanthropy in Its Global Context

The History, Law, and Politics of Giving

By Thomas Adam


Mar 18, 2025

Page count

224 pages

Browse the series

Global Perspectives on Philanthropy and Public Good




234 x 156 mm


Policy Press


Mar 18, 2025

Page count

224 pages

Browse the series

Global Perspectives on Philanthropy and Public Good




234 x 156 mm


Policy Press
American Philanthropy in Its Global Context

Philanthropy has become a staple of American society and culture. Associations, endowments foundations and limited dividend companies have funded education, culture, healthcare, religion and social welfare.

Yet American philanthropy is not as exceptional as it appears to European observers. American philanthropy was built upon European and Mediterranean precedents and evolved through the constant influence of philanthropic practices in other parts of the world.

This book explores how philanthropic practices and institutions were introduced into American society and how they were Americanised during the 19th century. It provides a comprehensive history of American philanthropy and positions it within its wider global context.

Thomas Adam is Full Professor in the Department of Political Science at the University of Arkansas.


1. The Formation of Associational Life

2. Disestablishment, Philanthropy and the Survival of Christianity in American Society

3. Doing Good and Making a Profit

4. Endowing Education and Culture

5. The Formation of big Foundations

6. American Foundations Venture Abroad

7. The Strong State

8. The Third Sector

9. Outlook