Policy Press

Social and Public Policy

Social Policy is the heartland of Policy Press, and with the launch of Bristol University Press taking on the broader social sciences, we are excited to be able to bring Policy Press back to its roots, publishing in the core social sciences to highlight social issues, advance debates and positively influence policy and practice. 

As the leading publisher in Social Policy with strong links to the Social Policy Association, we are proud to have changed the landscape of publishing in social and public policy over the past twenty years. We have led the way on conversations around inequality and social injustice with authors like Peter Townsend, Kayleigh Garthwaite, Danny Dorling, Pete Alcock, John Hills and Bob Jessop - and published some of the most important cutting-edge research in this field.

We are actively looking to publish broad research that fills a clear gap in the current literature, pushing forward knowledge. We are especially looking for international and comparative works for our new book series Research in Comparative and Global Social Policy. If you are interested in writing for us, please see the Commissioning Editor information below.

Social and Public Policy catalogue thumbnail

Our new Social and Public Policy catalogue is now available. Download the pdf here.

Browse Social and Public Policy articles on our Transforming Society blog.

Watch all Social and Public Policy videos on our YouTube channel.


Laura Vickers-Rendall

Meet the Editor

Laura Vickers-Rendall, Commissioning Editor

I have been at Policy Press for over 10 years, starting as a graduate in Sociology (I used a number of Policy Press titles throughout my degree). I have had several roles in the commissioning team on the majority of the core Policy Press subject areas over the years.

I enjoy meeting existing and potential authors and talking through their research. Building those relationships over the period of time from inception of a potential book idea to publication is especially enjoyable. It is really rewarding to be able to produce books that authors and editors are proud of.

If you are interested in writing for our Social Policy list, please contact me at [email protected]) or visit our information for authors page to download our proposal guidelines.