Policy Press

British Society of Gerontology conference 2022 journal highlights and free articles

Scroll down to browse our journal highlights and explore our selection of free articles.

Global Social Challenges Journal coverInternational Journal of Care and Caring coverLongitudinal and Life Course Studies coverFamilies, Relationships and Societies cover




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Your opinion matters to your librarian. If you enjoy the articles listed below please consider asking your librarian to subscribe to our journals or asking them to sign up for a free trial

Global Social Challenges Journal banner

Global Social Challenges Journal

Global Social Challenges Journal is a non-profit open access publication with a mission to address urgent global social issues while breaking down academic silos and publishing across geographies. We publish on 16 themes which are linked to, but not limited by, the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. This includes Life Stages and intergenerationality.   

Read the launch collection  

Publish in Global Social Challenges Journal  

We are seeking submissions of research articles and alternative publication formats, including:   Policy and practice papers, provocations and debate pieces. In our first year we are offering free open access publishing to authors with no dedicated open access funding. Learn more about our APC waivers.  

Want to know more? Read the journal online, follow @GSC_Journal, and join the journal mailing list for the latest news.  

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International Journal of Care and Caring

This multidisciplinary journal publishes high-quality contributions on care, caring and carers from all regions of the world. The International Journal of Care and Caring has a broad focus, covering care and caring for people of any age who have long-term conditions, disabilities or frailties, or who are seriously ill or near the end of life.  

Enjoy our free sample issue which explores the cost of caring, technologisation of eldercare, the challenges of homecare and more.   

Read the free sample issue.  

Don’t forget to take a look at our Editors’ Choice collection. Read our editors’ favourite articles from recent issues for free until 31 July.  

The collection includes:  

Doing ‘whatever they can imagine’: social task shifting in directly funded home care
Authors: Christine Kelly, Mary Jean Hande, Lisette Dansereau, Katie Aubrecht, Anne Martin-Matthews, and Allison Williams

‘She misses the subtleties and I have to help – help to make the invisible visible’: parents’ role in supporting adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities with intimate relationships
Authors: Claire Bates, Michelle McCarthy, Karen Milne Skillman, Nicola Elson, Siobhan Hunt, and Rachel Forrester-Jones

Consequences of prioritisation within long-term care in Denmark, England and Norway: towards increasing inequalities and poorer quality of care?
Authors: Rune Ervik and Tord Skogedal Lindén

Read the full Editors’ Choice Collection here.   

You might also enjoy free access to our top 5 most read articles of 2021.

If you would like access to the latest scholarship and debate in the field of care and caring please recommend the International Journal of Care and Caring to your librarian. Ask them to sign up for a free trial and get 3 months of unlimited access to all of the journal’s content.    

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Longitudinal and Life Course Studies

Longitudinal and Life Course Studies is published by Bristol University Press on behalf of the Society for Longitudinal and Life Course Studies.  

This journal is dedicated to the needs of researchers studying the life course and using longitudinal methods at the interfaces of social, developmental and health sciences. It fosters cross-disciplinary and international endeavours and promotes the creation and exploitation of longitudinal data resources as well as their application to policy issues.   

Read the free sample issue (free until 31 December 2022).  

If you would like access to the latest scholarship in Longitudinal and Life Course Studies please sign up for the newsletter and ask your librarian to sign up for a free trial.   


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Families, Relationships and Societies

Families, Relationships and Societies explores family life, relationships and generational issues across the life course. This journal brings together a range of social science perspectives, with a strong focus on policy and practice, informed by sociological theory and the latest methodological approaches.  

Want more from Families, Relationships and Societies? Take a look at the free sample issue and Editors’ Choice collection.   


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