Policy Press

Changing labour markets, welfare policies and citizenship

Edited by Jørgen Goul Andersen and Per H. Jensen

Social marginalisation due to changing labour markets in a global, knowledge-intensive economy poses a major challenge to international welfare states. Addressing the problem from a citizenship perspective, this book contributes significantly to the understanding of policy problems and the development of appropriate strategies.

Changing labour markets, welfare policies and citizenship readdresses the question of how full citizenship may be preserved and developed in the face of enduring labour market pressures. It:

clarifies the relationship between changing labour markets, welfare policies and citizenship;

discusses possible ways in which the spill-over effect from labour market marginality to loss of citizenship can be prevented;

specifies this problem in relation to the young, older people, men and women and immigrants;

offers theoretical and conceptual definitions of citizenship as a new, alternative approach to empirical analyses of labour market marginalisation and its consequences;

highlights the lessons to be learned from differing approaches in European countries.

"... a useful and informative book, which addresses some of the key social policy issues of the day." Work, Employment and Society

"... students of comparative European social policy will find this a useful source book." Journal of Social Policy

"A state-of-the-art account of the most pressing social policy issue in European countries: employment and unemployment. Views of experts from British, Scandinavian and Continental welfare state traditions add up to a truly European perspective." Lutz Leisering, Faculty of Sociology, University of Bielefeld, Germany

Jorgen Goul Andersen is Professor of Political Sociology at the Centre for Comparative Welfare State Studies, Aalborg University, Denmark. He is the author of numerous books and articles on the economic and political challenges of current welfare states, and on political behaviour, political participation and democracy.

Per H. Jensen is a sociologist and currently Associate Professor in Comparative Welfare State Studies at Aalborg University. Since 1981, he has conducted several research projects on labour markets and welfare states in a comparative perspective. He is chair of COST A13 'Changing labour markets, welfare policies, and citizenship'.

Introduction: Citizenship, changing labour markets and welfare policies: an introduction Jørgen Goul Andersen and Per H. Jensen; Internationalisation and the labour market of the European Union Peter Plougmann; Changing interactions between policies and citizenship: Citizenship and changing welfare states Ruth Lister; Work and citizenship: unemployment and unemployment policies in Denmark, 1980-2000 Jørgen Goul Andersen; New institutional forms of welfare production: some implications for citizenship Willem Trommel and Bert de Vroom; The cause and effect of welfare policies on citizenship: Unemployment, welfare policies and citizenship: different paths in Western Europe Jørgen Goul Andersen and Knut Halvorsen; Youth unemployment, welfare and political participation: a comparative study of six countries Torild Hammer; Ethnicity, racism and the labour market: a European perspective Gary Craig; From externalisation to integration of older workers: institutional changes at the end of the worklife Bert de Vroom and Anne Marie Guillemard; Movements by the unemployed in France and social protection: the Fonds d'urgence sociale experience Denis Bouget; Changing welfare states and labour markets in the context of European gender arrangements Birgit Pfau-Effinger; Conclusions: A second order reflection on the concepts of inclusion and exclusion Asmund Born and Per H. Jensen; Concluding remarks Jørgen Goul Andersen and Per H. Jensen.