Policy Press

Children, Young People and Families - Research

Showing 157-168 of 202 items.

Global Child Poverty and Well-Being

Measurement, Concepts, Policy and Action

This book brings together theoretical, methodological and policy-relevant contributions by leading researchers on international child poverty. 

Policy Press

Children's Social and Emotional Wellbeing in Schools

A Critical Perspective

This book is a challenge to the concept of wellbeing as applied to children, suggesting that it should be understood at the level of the child, rather than a list of things that are needed in order to live well.

Policy Press

Unfolding lives

Youth, gender and change

A unique approach to understanding the changing face of youth transitions, addressing the question of how gender identities are constituted in late modern culture.

Policy Press

Family futures

Childhood and poverty in urban neighbourhoods

Based on a unique longitudinal study, this timely book examines the initiatives introduced to help families and the impacts on them, their future prospects and the implications for policy.

Policy Press

Making modern mothers

An exciting and timely book documenting the transition to motherhood over generations and time.

Policy Press

Social Work on Trial

The Colwell Inquiry and the State of Welfare

This book describes the local and national politics, professional concerns and public interest that surrounded the inquiry following the death of Maria Colwell in 1973.

Policy Press

Parental rights and responsibilities

Analysing social policy and lived experiences

Child welfare, state welfare and parenting issues are high on the UK policy agenda; this timely book examines recent policy developments, parental perspectives about parenting and child-rearing and parental rights to 'welfare state support'.

Policy Press

Child poverty, evidence and policy

Mainstreaming children in international development

Available Open Access under CC-BY-NC licence. This book is about the ideas, networks and institutions that shape the development of evidence about child poverty and wellbeing, and the use of such evidence in development policy debates.

Policy Press

Family policy paradoxes

Gender equality and labour market regulation in Sweden, 1930-2010

This book looks at political attempts to create a 'modern family' and the aspiration to regulate the family and establish gender equality, examining the regulation of the family in Sweden between 1930 and today.

Policy Press

Children's Agency, Children's Welfare

A Dialogical Approach to Child Development, Policy and Practice

Combining social, psychological and child development aspects, this book provides a holistic view of how children develop agency.

Policy Press

Implementing restorative justice in children's residential care

With the growth in the use of restorative justice and restorative approaches, this book takes an in-depth look at their applicability in the environment of children's residential care homes.

Policy Press

Children of the 21st century (Volume 2)

The first five years

This book documents the first five years of life of the children of the influential Millennium Cohort Study, looking at the children's lives and development as they begin formal education and the implications for family policy, and service planning in health and social services.

Policy Press