Policy Press

Citizenship and Civil Society

Showing 25-36 of 46 items.

Thinking Collectively

Social Policy, Collective Action and the Common Good

In this book, well-respected author Paul Spicker lends a complementary voice to his Reclaiming individualism, reviewing collectivism as a dimension of political discourse. Taking a dispassionate and methodical approach, the author explores what collectivism means in social policy and what value it offers to the field.

Policy Press

Civil Society and the Family

This enlightening book challenges conventional distinctions between the family and civil society as it uncovers how civic values and practices are inherited and fostered within the home.

Policy Press

Putting Civil Society in Its Place

Governance, Metagovernance and Subjectivity

Through theories of metagovernance and case studies of mobilisations against economic and social problems, Bob Jessop explores the idea of civil society as a mode of governance. Reviewing concepts of self-emancipation and self-responsibilisation, he challenges conventional thinking and identifies lessons for future social innovation.

Policy Press

Protecting Children, Creating Citizens

Participatory Child Protection Practice in Norway and the United States

This book examines a participatory approach in child protection practices in Norway and the United States. It explores ways of empowering children; shows how they can be encouraged to express their own opinions and explores tools for child protection workers to negotiate complex boundaries around the inclusion of children in decision-making.

Policy Press

Analysing the Trust–Transparency Nexus

Multi-level Governance in the UK, France and Germany

Drawing on fieldwork from the UK, France and Germany, this volume addresses the relationship between trust and transparency in the context of multi-level governance.

Policy Press

Calibrating Colonial Crime

Reparations and The Crime of Unjust Enrichment

Examining the harmful effects of colonisation, this book highlights the law's crucial role in driving real change. Eminent scholar Joshua Castellino proposes a five-point strategy to create a fairer system through innovative reparations and heal our planet.

Bristol Uni Press

Resistance through Higher Education

Myanmar Universities’ Struggle against Authoritarianism

This book argues that Myanmar’s resistance is deeply rooted in its university spaces. Drawing on the experiences of key actors – rectors, professors, students and activists – the book offers a compelling narrative about the life of the country following the latest coup d’état, an event that continues to puzzle the international community.

Bristol Uni Press

Confucian Governmentality and Socialist Autocracy in Contemporary China

Exploring Confucian and socialist principles, this book examines the relationship between citizens and leaders in Chinese autocracy, challenging the binary of authoritarianism and democracy.

Bristol Uni Press

Civil Society in an Age of Uncertainty

Institutions, Governance and Existential Challenges

This book explores how the uncertainties of the 21st century present existential challenges to civil society. Presenting original empirical findings, it highlights transferable lessons that will inform policy and practice in today’s age of uncertainty.

Policy Press

Clients, Consumers or Citizens?

The Privatisation of Adult Social Care in England

Adult social care was the first major social policy domain in England to be transferred from the state to the market. This book meticulously charts this shift, challenges the dominant market paradigm, explores alternative models for a post-Covid-19 future and locates the debate within the wider political thinking and policy change literature.

Policy Press

Participatory Ideology

From Exclusion to Involvement

This book examines for the first time the exclusionary nature of prevailing political ideologies. Bringing together theory, practice and the relationship between participation, political ideology and social welfare, it offers a detailed critique of how the crucial move to more participatory approaches may be achieved.

Policy Press

Local Civil Society

Place, Time and Boundaries

Drawing on place-based field investigations and new empirical analysis, this original book investigates civil society at local level.

Policy Press