Policy Press

Education and Social Justice

Showing 37-44 of 44 items.

Schooling in a Democracy

Returning Education to the Public Service

COVID-19 has widened inequalities in schools and left the future uncertain. Richard Riddell argues that the increasingly narrow focus of education governance has made new thinking impossible and has degraded public life. Nevertheless, he highlights new possibilities for democratic behaviour and the opening up of schooling to all it serves.

Policy Press

Schooling, Conflict and Peace in the Southwestern Pacific

Becoming Enemy-Friends

Bringing concepts from critical transitional justice and critical peacebuilding into dialogue with education, this book examines the challenges faced by youth in the post-conflict settings of Bougainville and Solomon Islands, illustrating the vital importance of education in post-conflict recovery.

Bristol Uni Press

Social Inclusion and Higher Education

Available Open Access under CC-BY-NC licence. This book is about the experiences of students in institutions of higher education from 'non-traditional' backgrounds with contributions from the UK, the USA and Australia which reveal that the issues surrounding the inclusion of 'non-traditional' students are broadly similar in different countries.

Policy Press

The Success Paradox

Why We Need a Holistic Theory of Social Mobility

This timely book provides an alternative vision of social mobility and a route-map to achieving it. It examines how the term ‘social mobility’ structures what success means and the impact that has on society. It recasts the relationship with employers and covers progress in non-work areas of life.

Policy Press

Transformative Teaching and Learning in Further Education

Pedagogies of Hope and Social Justice

Based on the Transforming Lives research project, this book explores the transformative power of further education. Outlining a critical approach to educational research and practice, the book draws on the testimonies of students and teachers to construct a model of transformative teaching and learning.

Policy Press

Transforming education policy

Shaping a democratic future

This topical book argues that a new paradigm is emerging in education, in relation to the economic crisis. It is part of a more general trend to organisational democracy and the onus for change rests with teachers, heads, parents, community members, educational sponsors and partners.

Policy Press

University–Industry Partnerships for Positive Change

Transformational Strategic Alliances Towards UN SDGs

Sharing the authors’ extensive experience in working at the interface between academia, industry and government, this book is designed to enable powerful university–industry partnerships that can play a pivotal role in achieving the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Policy Press