Policy Press

Education - Research

Showing 109-112 of 112 items.

Learn to succeed

The case for a skills revolution

This is the first book to draw together the evidence on the 'case' for skills and to examine the policies appropriate to achieving 'skills for all'.

Policy Press

Creating a learning society?

Learning careers and policies for lifelong learning

Lifelong learning is a key government strategy - both in the UK and internationally - to promote economic growth and combat social exclusion. This book presents a highly innovative study of participation in lifelong learning and the problems which need to be overcome if lifelong learning policies are to be successful.

Policy Press

Differing visions of a Learning Society Vol 2

Research findings Volume 2

Edited by Frank Coffield

This second volume discusses both the meaning of the Learning Society for adults with learning difficulties, and use of social capital to explain patterns of lifelong learning. It presents five different 'trajectories' of lifelong learning, explores determinants of participation and non-participation in learning, and innovation in Higher Education.

Policy Press

Differing visions of a Learning Society Vol 1

Research findings Volume 1

Edited by Frank Coffield

This first volume explores the ways lifelong learning can contribute to the development of knowledge and skills for employment, and other areas of adult life. It addresses the challenges for researchers to study issues that are central and directly relevant to the political and policy debate, and to take into account the reality of people's lives.

Policy Press