Policy Press

Health and Social Care - All titles

Showing 97-108 of 135 items.

COVID-19 and Risk

Policy Making in a Global Pandemic

Drawing on case studies from the UK, China, Japan, New Zealand and the US this text explores policy responses to COVID-19 through the lens of risk. The book considers how different countries framed the pandemic, categorised their populations and communicated risk. It also evaluates the role of the media, conspiracy theories and hindsight.

Policy Press

The Allied Health Professions

A Sociological Perspective

Drawing on case studies from optometrists, physiotherapists, pedorthists and allied health assistants, this book offers an innovative comparison of allied health occupations in Australia and Britain. Adopting a theory of the sociology of health professions, it explores how the allied health professions can achieve their professional goals.

Policy Press

The Challenge of Controlling COVID-19

Public Health and Social Care Policy in England During the First Wave

This book analyses the political and long-term systemic factors associated with the failures to control COVID-19 in England. Exploring the role of key policy actors, it focuses on two policy failings during the first wave: the establishment of a ‘Test, Trace and Isolate’ system and responses to the high death rate in care homes for older people.

Policy Press

The Unequal Pandemic

COVID-19 and Health Inequalities

EPDF and EPUB available Open Access under CC-BY-NC- ND This accessible, yet authoritative book shows how the pandemic is a syndemic of disease and inequality. It argues that these inequalities are a political choice and we need to learn quickly to prevent growing inequality and to reduce health inequalities in the future.

Policy Press

Clients, Consumers or Citizens?

The Privatisation of Adult Social Care in England

Adult social care was the first major social policy domain in England to be transferred from the state to the market. This book meticulously charts this shift, challenges the dominant market paradigm, explores alternative models for a post-Covid-19 future and locates the debate within the wider political thinking and policy change literature.

Policy Press

Engaging Black and Minority Ethnic Groups in Health Research

‘Hard to Reach’? Demystifying the Misconceptions

This crucial contribution exposes the misconception that health research and health services are equally effective for all and highlights their failures in engaging with Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) groups. It provides essential case study examples on recruitment, engagement and partnerships with BME groups in research and public engagement.

Policy Press

Care at Home for People Living with Dementia

Delaying Institutionalization, Sustaining Families

With dementia care shifting from institutional to home settings, this book considers the intersections of formal health and social care strategies and family experiences. Drawing on case studies from Canada, it enhances the understanding of good policy and practice in dementia care and the potential for better outcomes for all those concerned.

Policy Press

Comparing Health Systems

Using Qualitative Comparative Analysis to explore 11 developed countries’ health services, this ambitious text identifies which factors are associated with the strongest outcomes.

Policy Press

A Care Crisis in the Nordic Welfare States?

Care Work, Gender Equality and Welfare State Sustainability

Academic experts review the impact of neoliberal politics and ideology on the status of care work in Nordic countries. They explore different understandings of the care crisis, the consequences for gender equality and the long-term sustainability of the Nordic welfare states.

Policy Press

The Strengths Approach in Practice

How It Changes Lives

Informed by a case study from the authors’ work with a unique NGO in the UK, this book illustrates what it really means to adopt a strengths approach in practice.

Policy Press

Medical Doctors in Health Reforms

A Comparative Study of England and Canada

Health and legal experts from England and Canada consider the influence of medical doctors on reforms in this comparative study. With reflections on participation since the inception of publicly-funded healthcare systems, they show how the status of doctors affects change.

Policy Press

The Politics of Ailment

A New Approach to Care

Challenging the ethics of care as a tradeable commodity, this book introduces the concept of ailment as a framework for understanding social care. Providing examples from Britain and Finland, it demonstrates how ailment shapes all societies, and by addressing the marketisation of care, the authors bring to light increasing inequalities in care.

Policy Press