Policy Press

Health Systems and Policy

Showing 61-72 of 78 items.

Healthy Societies

Policy, Practice and Obstacles

Re-examining health, healthcare and societal health using the latest data and research, this book addresses definitions of health, changes in health over time and the contribution of healthcare. It also suggests ways of effectively tackling obstacles to improving health and healthcare in 21st century Britain.

Policy Press

Displacement, Human Rights and Sexual and Reproductive Health

Conceptualizing Gender Protection Gaps in Latin America

Focusing on the flight of women and girls from Venezuela, this book examines the gendered nature of forced displacement and the ways in which the failures of protection regimes to be sensitive to displacement’s gendered character affect women and girls, and their sexual and reproductive health.

Bristol Uni Press


Adventures of a broken body

Fracturing her arm in the grounds of a hotel in the USA leads Ann Oakley on a journey into some critical themes of modern Western culture.

Policy Press

The Short Guide to Health and Social Care

This clear and succinct text offers a valuable introductory guide to health and social care, helping people who want to study or work in the field understand why these services matter, how they have developed and how they work.

Policy Press

Public Health and International Economic Law

Preventing Non-communicable Diseases and Promoting Better Health for All

This book tackles crucial and timely questions regarding the impact of international trade and investment law on state regulatory autonomy in crafting and executing measures to prevent non-communicable diseases (NCDs).

Bristol Uni Press

Interprofessional Education and Training

A thorough introduction to IPE in health and social care for students. This second edition includes updates to research and policy contexts and provides an essential set of IPE ‘do’s and don’ts’.

Policy Press

Health Divides

Where You Live Can Kill You

Clare Bambra examines the social, environmental, economic and political causes of health inequalities, how they have evolved over time and what they are like today. Revealing gaps in life expectancy of up to 25 years between places just a few miles apart, this important book demonstrates that where you live can kill you.

Policy Press

Partnership Working in Health and Social Care

What is Integrated Care and How Can We Deliver It?

The second edition of this bestselling book provides a concise 'warts and all' introduction to partnership and integration, summarising updated references to current policy and research, setting out useful frameworks and approaches, and helping policy makers and practitioners to work more effectively together.

Policy Press

Harnessing Complexity for Better Outcomes in Public and Non-profit Services

ePDF and ePUB available Open Access under CC-BY-NC-ND licence. Building on research in public health, social epidemiology and the social determinants of health, this book presents complexity theory as an alternative basis for an outcome-oriented public management praxis.

Policy Press

Interprofessional education and training

Published in association with Community Care

This book provides a thorough introduction to inter-professional education in health and social care, examining the issues in detail and providing much needed practical advice.

Bristol Uni Press

Policing the Pandemic

How Public Health Becomes Public Order

Written in the context of the #BlackLivesMatter protests, this book explores why law enforcement responses to a public health emergency are prioritised over welfare provision and what this tells us about the state’s criminal justice institutions.

Policy Press

The Challenge of Controlling COVID-19

Public Health and Social Care Policy in England During the First Wave

This book analyses the political and long-term systemic factors associated with the failures to control COVID-19 in England. Exploring the role of key policy actors, it focuses on two policy failings during the first wave: the establishment of a ‘Test, Trace and Isolate’ system and responses to the high death rate in care homes for older people.

Policy Press