Policy Press

Invisible families

The strengths and needs of Black families in which young people have caring responsibilities

By Adele Jones, Dharman Jeyasingham and Sita Rajasooriya

This report investigates the circumstances, needs, views and life experiences of black young people with caring responsibilities. It highlights significant gaps in service provision, which result in young people undertaking caring responsibilities, and makes recommendations to improve services.

Invisible families:

highlights the inappropriate nature of many services currently available to black young people and their families;

provides a critical analysis of relevant key studies;

utilises a black perspective to explore black young people's experiences: young black people were fully engaged in the research process;

identifies areas of development and good practice in the light of Quality Protects and Best Value initiatives;

celebrates the diversity, resources and strength of black young families.

The report should be read by all professionals working with families affected by disability, as well as caseworkers, health professionals and those working in education. The findings are also relevant to families from other communities.

Adele Jones is Senior Lecturer in Social Work at the University of West Indies. She was formerly at the Department of Applied Community Studies, Manchester Metropolitan University. Dr Jones has extensive research experience in the fields of social care and black families.

Dharman Jeyasingham and Sita Rajasooriya were both researchers on the Research Project. Sita Rajasooriya is an experienced researcher and has previously undertaken a study of black women's access to domestic violence services. Dharman Jeyasingham has extensive experience in social work with a particular interest in the welfare of black children and young people.

Setting the context: who are black young carers?; Research principles and theoretical perspectives; A review of key studies; Identities, kinship and communities; Parenting and the nature of children's and young people's contributions to their families; Families' experiences of impairment, disabling environments and structural inequalities; Families' experiences of 'young cares' services; Responses from social care agencies; Policy, planning and practice: national context; Policy, planning and practice: local experiences and ideas to improve support to families; Summary and conclusions.