Policy Press


Showing 73-84 of 1,170 items.

Embodying Irish Abortion Reform

Bodies, Emotions, and Feminist Activism

This book explores the experiences of people affected by Ireland's constitutional abortion ban. Through in-depth research and interviews, the author uncovers how the 8th Amendment led women and gestating people live their bodies as "future aborting bodies," and how the need to ‘prepare’ for crisis pregnancies shaped everyday practices.

Bristol Uni Press

The Future for Planners

Commercialisation, Professionalism and the Public Interest in the UK

Spatial planning is at a crossroads, with nearly half of UK planners now employed in the private sector. This book reveals what it’s like to be a UK planner in the early 21st century and how the profession can fulfil its potential for the benefit of society and the environment.

Policy Press

Youth Participation and Democracy

Cultures of Doing Society

This book introduces the concept of 'doing society' by exploring how Finnish youth engage in political action beyond traditional forms. Combining empirical research and theoretical innovation, it offers a holistic view of youth participation, redefining political action to include non-conventional and non-verbal expressions.

Bristol Uni Press

Agenda for Social Justice 3

Solutions for 2024

The Agenda for Social Justice 3 provides accessible insights into some of the most pressing social problems in the United States and proposes public policy responses to those problems. Chapters include discussion of social problems related to criminal justice, the economy, food insecurity, education, healthcare, housing and immigration.

Policy Press

Critical Racial and Decolonial Literacies

Breaking the Silence

Combining critical race and indigenous theories, this collection explores critical racial literacy and anti-racist praxis in Australia's education system. Demystifying 'critical anti-racism praxis,' it advocates for multidisciplinary approaches, offering actionable ideas from educators across a range of disciplines.

Bristol Uni Press

Radical Food Geographies

Power, Knowledge and Resistance

This collection presents critical and action-oriented approaches to addressing food systems challenges across places, spaces, and scales. With global case studies, it explores the interconnections between the social and ecological dynamics of food systems, exploring efforts to co-construct more equitable and sustainable food systems for all.

Bristol Uni Press

Researching Justice

Engaging with Questions and Spaces of (In)Justice through Social Research

Understanding justice, for many, begins with questions of injustice. Giving insights into real life research practices for scholars at all levels, this book aids our understanding of how to employ and live justice through our work and daily lives.

Bristol Uni Press

Gendering Place and Affect

Attachment, Disruption and Belonging

This book uses affect theory to explore how placed surroundings shape experiences of gender. Drawing on debates in sociology, geography and organization studies, it examines what it means to be ‘in’ or ‘out’ of place and analyses how gender shapes meanings, attachments and identities relating to place.

Bristol Uni Press

Researching Global Education Policy

Diverse Approaches to Policy Movement

This book explores a wide diversity of approaches to help understand the policy movement phenomena, providing a useful guide on global studies in education, as well as insights into the future of this dynamic area of work.

Policy Press

Sexual Exploitation and Abuse in Peacekeeping and Aid

Critiquing the Past, Plotting the Future

This book highlights the ongoing challenge of preventing and responding to abuse in peacekeeping and aid work, plus the structural issues of power, coloniality and racism, while charting a path for future action.

Bristol Uni Press

The Science of Housework

The Home and Public Health, 1880-1940

This book recaptures the buried history of the household science movement, including domestic science teaching, public health, higher education for women and the scientific content and aims of domestic science courses.

Policy Press

Boundaries of Queerness

Homonationalism and Racial Politics in Sweden

This book explores how race, sexuality and gender are employed in political projects of belonging, whilst examining the implications for individual identity formation, in the context of Sweden.

Bristol Uni Press