Policy Press


Showing 25-36 of 555 items.

Critical Race Theory and the Search for Truth

This book explores Critical Race Theory, tracing its origins, problems and potential, and critiquing liberal and conservative perspectives. Centring marginalized voices, it emphasizes their role as change agents rejected by both sides. A unique resource for understanding and dismantling systemic racism.

Bristol Uni Press

Why Social Work is Important

Identity, Role and Practice

This book demonstrates that all societies require a social work presence. It symbolises the importance of a community-near professional input to human flourishing and the development of social capital. It challenges economic and political trends that corrode deeply-held human and social values.

Policy Press

The Handbook of Creative Data Analysis

Written key names in the field, this book opens up the options for creativity and innovation in data analysis while retaining a systematic, rigorous and ethical approach in line with good research practice.

Featuring transferable case examples across disciplines, this is the definitive practical guide to creative data analysis.

Policy Press

The Black PhD Experience

Stories of Strength, Courage and Wisdom in UK Academia

Drawing on students’ experiences of structural racism in the UK higher education institutions, this book offers an informed analysis on the barriers to Black student progression. It documents success stories and provides key recommendations for the sector on how to eliminate discrimination and achieve positive results for Black students.

Policy Press

Love and the Market

How to Recover from the Enlightenment and Survive the Current Crisis

Revisiting philosophical developments, historical figures and events, including Adam Smith, colonialism and modernity, this interdisciplinary book presents a ‘loving critique’ of society. It shows how learning to love better is key to releasing ourselves from the alienating grip of the market.

Bristol Uni Press

Doing Phenomenography

A Practical Guide

This practical handbook is aimed at students who are new to phenomenograpy - a popular research method for its versatility in understanding people’s perceptions. Enabling readers to decide on the appropriateness of the phenomenographic approach for their own research project, it equips them with the necessary tools to embark on their journey.

Policy Press

Healthy Societies

Policy, Practice and Obstacles

Re-examining health, healthcare and societal health using the latest data and research, this book addresses definitions of health, changes in health over time and the contribution of healthcare. It also suggests ways of effectively tackling obstacles to improving health and healthcare in 21st century Britain.

Policy Press

Crises at Work

Economy, Climate and Pandemic

It is impossible to view the news at present without hearing talk of crisis: the economy, the climate, the pandemic. This book asks how these larger societal issues lead to a crisis with work, making it ever more precarious, unequal and intense. Experts diagnose the nature of the problem and offer a programme for transcending above the crises.

Bristol Uni Press

The Sociology of Contemporary Work

What It Is, and Why We Need It

This book injects a fresh burst of energy into the sociology of work, offering an invigorating perspective that's both vibrant and deeply informed. Bringing the field up to date, leading sociology of work scholar Marek Korczynski offers an enlightening exploration of sociology of work, as well as the evolving world of work itself.

Bristol Uni Press

Youth Participation and Democracy

Cultures of Doing Society

This book introduces the concept of 'doing society' by exploring how Finnish youth engage in political action beyond traditional forms. Combining empirical research and theoretical innovation, it offers a holistic view of youth participation, redefining political action to include non-conventional and non-verbal expressions.

Bristol Uni Press

Agenda for Social Justice 3

Solutions for 2024

The Agenda for Social Justice 3 provides accessible insights into some of the most pressing social problems in the United States and proposes public policy responses to those problems. Chapters include discussion of social problems related to criminal justice, the economy, food insecurity, education, healthcare, housing and immigration.

Policy Press

Critical Racial and Decolonial Literacies

Breaking the Silence

Combining critical race and indigenous theories, this collection explores critical racial literacy and anti-racist praxis in Australia's education system. Demystifying 'critical anti-racism praxis,' it advocates for multidisciplinary approaches, offering actionable ideas from educators across a range of disciplines.

Bristol Uni Press