Policy Press

Welfare & benefit systems

Showing 193-204 of 212 items.

Senior citizenship?

Retirement, migration and welfare in the European Union

Debates about citizenship in Europe are increasingly topical as the EU expands. This book charts the development of mobility and welfare rights for retired people moving or returning home under the Free Movement of Persons provisions. It raises important issues around the future of social citizenship in an increasingly global and mobile world.

Policy Press

The gender dimension of social change

The contribution of dynamic research to the study of women's life courses

This new study uses longitudinal data to provide new insights into the changing dynamics of lives of women today. In particular, it explores the potential of longitudinal or life course analysis as a powerful tool for appreciating the gender dimension of social life.

Policy Press

Social assistance dynamics in Europe

National and local poverty regimes

Edited by Chiara Saraceno

Describing social assistance 'careers' in different national and urban contexts, this innovative book documents the strong interplay between personal biographies and policy patterns - a particularly useful perspective which complements the more structural, top-down approach of much international work in social policy.

Policy Press

Family-friendly working?

Putting policy into practice

In responding to the needs of working parents and employers, the Government has introduced legislation which encourages family-friendly initiatives to be determined jointly and voluntarily between employers and employees. Focusing on the key sector of financial services, Family-friendly working? reviews how companies are handling this process..

Policy Press

Families in conflict

Perspectives of children and parents on the Family Court Welfare Service

As the new Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service takes over responsibility for the work previously undertaken by family court welfare officers, the experiences of the parents and children reported in this study will provide an invaluable service user perspective for the benefit of policy and practice.

Policy Press

Approaching retirement

Social divisions, welfare and exclusion

Using the idea of the social division of welfare as a template, this book assesses different approaches to retirement pensions policy, highlighting their relative strengths and weaknesses. An invaluable resource for social science students and for those who teach them. Economists and pension practitioners will also find food for thought here.

Policy Press

Welfare and wellbeing

Richard Titmuss's contribution to social policy

This book brings together a selection of Richard Titmuss's important writings on a range of key social policy issues, together with commentary from experts in the field.

The companion volume is, Private complaints and public health: Richard Titmuss on the National Health Service edited by Ann Oakley and Jonathan Barker (The Policy Press, 2004).

Policy Press

Working together or pulling apart?

The National Health Service and child protection networks

This book examines the contribution of the NHS to the multi-agency and inter-professional child protection process. It examines the roles played by health professionals within child protection and investigates the nature and operation of the central policy community and local provider networks.

Policy Press

Social Policy Review 13

Developments and debates: 2000-2001

Social Policy Review is an annual selection of commissioned articles focusing on developments and debates in social policy. Social Policy Review 13 reviews a varied and interesting selection of social policy developments in Britain and internationally, and sets current policy developments in a broader context of key trends and debates.

Policy Press

Diminished rights

Danish lone mother families in international context

This is a qualitative study that documents the daily lives of vulnerable lone mothers and their children in Denmark. Loss of rights, gender and ethnic inequality, and family violence all emerge as key themes with international implications. Policy and practice recommendations are made with wide-ranging applications for an international audience.

Policy Press

Challenging violence against women

The Canadian experience

There is widespread recognition among policy makers, professionals and activists in Britain that Canadian work on violence against women has been in the vanguard. This report brings together 'state-of-the-art' accounts of Canadian approaches to violence against women and discusses them in the context of current UK policy.

Policy Press

The effects of parents' employment on children's lives

This report examines links between parents' employment patterns while raising children and what happens when those children become young adults. Some of its findings carry important implications for public policy and for further research. A number are likely to prove controversial, arousing public debate concerning their meaning and relevance.

Policy Press