Policy Press

Crime & criminology

Showing 217-228 of 240 items.

Regulating sex for sale

Prostitution policy reform in the UK

Edited by Jo Phoenix

'Regulating sex for sale' provides a detailed analysis and critical reflection on the processes, assumptions and contradictions shaping the UK's emerging prostitution policy. It examines the total package of reforms and proposals that have been introduced in this area since May 2000.

Policy Press

Securing respect

Behavioural expectations and anti-social behaviour in the UK

Edited by Andrew Millie

"Securing respect" contains essays from leading academics in the field that consider the origins, current interpretations and possible future for the Respect Agenda. It explores various policy and theoretical discourses relating to 'respect', behavioural expectations and anti-social behaviour.

Policy Press

Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements and Youth Justice

This report provides a detailed exploration of MAPPA policy and practice in order to prompt further debate about the implications of the risk paradigm for young people and youth justice practitioners.

Policy Press

Youth justice in practice

Making a difference

This book examines youth justice in a UK and international context, highlighting the challenge facing all jurisdictions in balancing welfare and justice. It explores the impact of political ideas and influences on the structural and practical challenges of delivering youth justice.

Policy Press

Children and young people in custody

Managing the risk

Over the last decade, the reformed youth justice system has seen increases in the numbers of children and young people in custody, a sharp rise in indeterminate sentences and the continuing deaths of young prisoners. This report brings together contributions from leading experts to critically examine current policy and practice.

Policy Press

Prevention and youth crime

Is early intervention working?

The 2008 UK government Youth Crime Action Plan emphasises early intervention in work with young people who offend or considered to be 'at risk' of offending. This approach includes targeted work with families and a reduction in the numbers of young people entering the justice system. This report takes a critical look at early intervention policies.

Policy Press

Tackling prison overcrowding

Build more prisons? Sentence fewer offenders?

Lord Carter's "Review of Prisons" (2007), proposed the construction of vast 'Titan' prisons to deal with the problem of prison overcrowding, the establishment of a Sentencing Commission for keeping judicial demand for prison places in line with supply, and further use of the private sector. This book is a response to these controversial proposals.

Policy Press

'Hate crime' and the city

This book widens our understanding of hate crime by demonstrating that many offenders are ordinary people who offend in the context of their everyday lives.

Policy Press

ASBO nation

The criminalisation of nuisance

Edited by Peter Squires

This collection brings together opinion, commentary, research evidence, professional guidance, debate and critique in order to understand the phenomenon of anti-social behaviour.

Policy Press

Zero tolerance policing

This book examines the key issues of what policing is about and who defines it by exploring the notion of zero tolerance and its application in different settings.

Policy Press

Communities, identities and crime

This book provides a critical exploration of the importance of social identities when considering crime, victimisation and criminal justice and offers a refreshing perspective on the most significant developments in relation to equality and diversity issues that feature in policies and practices of criminal justice agencies.

Policy Press

Assessing the use and impact of Anti-Social Behaviour Orders

This book provides one of the first assessments of the widely used but extremely controversial Anti-Social Behaviour Orders (ASBOs) as a method for dealing with anti-social behaviour in the UK.

Policy Press