Policy Press

Sustainable Care collection

We have created a collection of articles exploring the themes of this year's Transfroming Care Conference. Please enjoy free access to these articles throughout June and July.

International Journal of Care and Caring 

Global care chains and the spectral histories of care migration
Ethel Tungohan

Claiming rights: the future for carers and the need for a radical imagining
Kathryn Knight and Laura Davy 

Manoeuvring challenging demands: care managers, the Free Choice System and older users of home care services with reduced decision-making capacity
Anna Dunér and Gerd Gustafsson

The prioritisation of choice in eldercare: the case of Ireland
Luciana Lolich

Sensory ways of knowing care: possibilities for reconfiguring ‘the distribution of the sensible’ in paid homecare work
Kerry Harman

Capabilities in care for older adults in Finnish familialistic policy transformations: a longitudinal, one-case study
Sarah Åkerman et al.

Care workers’ ambivalence towards family care partners: informal decision-making processes when older people consider relocation to a residential home
Maria Söderberg

‘Personalised risk’ in paid care work and the impacts of ‘gig economy’ care platforms and other market-based organisations
Fiona Macdonald

The costs of unpaid care: is there an education gradient in women’s time transfers to their parents?
Melody K. Waring

From villain to hero: trans men and non-binary persons as care providers in Southern Europe
Ana Cristina Santos

Evidence & Policy 
Using evidence in shaping disability policy in Romania: the case of sheltered workshops
Claudia Petrescu and Mihaela Lambru 

Ignoring evidence, producing inequities: public policies, disability and the case of Kaiowá and Guarani Indigenous children with disabilities in Brazil
Rayanne de Sales Lima, Andréa Borghi Moreira Jacinto, and Rodrigo Arthuso Arantes Faria 

Why is lived experience important for market stewardship? A proposed framework for why and how lived experience should be included in stewarding disability markets
Ariella Meltzer et al. 

If you would like more of the latest scholarship and debate the field of care and caring please recommend the International Journal of Care and Caring to your librarian. Ask them to sign up for a free trial and get 3 months of unlimited access to all of the journal’s content.