Policy Press

Long-Term Care and Older People in Western Europe

Lessons From the COVID-19 Pandemic

Edited by Eloísa del Pino and Francisco Javier Moreno-Fuentes

This edited volume examines the responses of long-term care homes for older people in Western Europe to the COVID-19 pandemic. In doing so, it highlights the institutional, organisational and management challenges facing care homes, both in continuing to provide services to an increasingly ageing population and in future public health crises.

Based on a comparative study covering 15 Western European countries, this edited volume examines the responses of long-term cares homes for older people to the COVID-19 pandemic.

It analyses the preparedness of governments and residences and the structural weaknesses revealed and exacerbated by the crisis, such as staff shortages, the precariousness of employment in the sector and the deficient coordination between the health and the caring sectors.

By examining the governance structures of the care home sector and their performance before and during the crisis, the book highlights the institutional, organisational and management challenges facing care homes, both in continuing to provide services to an increasingly ageing population and in the event of future public health crises.

Eloísa del Pino is Senior Researcher at the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC).

F. Javier Moreno-Fuentes is Senior Researcher at the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC).

1. The Challenge of Policy Integration and the Complexity of Care Homes Responses to the Covid-19 Pandemic in Europe - Eloísa del Pino, Francisco Javier Moreno-Fuentes

2. Welfare regimes and long-term care in the ‘Old Continent’ - Roberta Perna and Luis Moreno

3. Muddling through after a strong start – tackling the COVID19 pandemic in Austrian nursing homes - Monika Riedel, Christoph Stegner

4. Lessons not learned: the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the residential care sector in England - Caroline Glendinning

5. Protecting older people’s lives, forgetting about their other rights? Managing the COVID-19 pandemic in the care home sector in Finland - Tyyne Ylinen, Vera Ylinen, Laura Kalliomaa-Puha, Statu Ylinen

6. Impact of the French top-down management of the COVID-19 pandemic on residential care homes - Arnaud Campéon, Blanche Le Bihan, Claude Martin

7. Large capacities in health care – insufficient protection of vulnerable groups in Germany - Caspar Lückenbach, Eduard Klukas, Phillip Florian Schmidt, Thomas Gerlinger

8. The Greek Long Term Care Sector against COVID-19: An Effort for Excellence - Costis Prouskas, Michael Goudoumas

9. Long-term care of older people in residential care settings in Ireland during waves 1 and 2 of the COVID-19 pandemic: Lessons (still to be) learned - Sara Burke, Katharine Schulmann, Virpi Timonen, Eimir Hurley

10. Neglecting Nursing Homes: The Management of the Pandemic Crisis in Italy - C. Ranci, M. Arlotti, S. Cerea

11. Government response to the COVID-19 pandemic in Long-Term Care residences for older people; preparedness, responses, and challenges for the future: Luxembourg - Robert Urbé and Cristina Font

12. The COVID-19 crisis as a ‘hospital issue’. The impact of COVID-19 measures on Dutch nursing homes - María Bruquetas, Anita Böcker

13. Portugal: structural weaknesses of nursing homes network exposed by the pandemic - Luís Capucha, Alexandre Daniel Calado, Nuno Nunes

14. Long-term care for older people during the COVID-19 pandemic in decentralised Spain - Jorge Hernández-Moreno, Roberta Perna, Manuel Pereira-Puga, Gibrán Cruz-Martínez

15. Swedish long-term care for older people in the shadow of the COVID-19 pandemic - Lennarth Johansson, Pär Schön

16. Cross-case analysis and conclusion - Eloísa del Pino, Francisco Javier Moreno-Fuentes