Policy Press

Making spaces for community development

By Michael Pitchford With Paul Henderson


Jul 30, 2008

Page count

144 pages




234 x 156 mm


Policy Press
Making spaces for community development

Making spaces for community development offers an account of the key changes to the context and practice of community development since the 1970s, told through the experiences and insights of a group of highly experienced practitioners. The book, intended for those practising and interested in practising community development today, focuses on dilemmas arising from the shift to partnership working from a more confrontational model, and the professionalisation of the field.

Bringing together a wealth of experience and knowledge from across areas of play and youth work through to the environment, community enterprise, race equality, immigration and housing, the book raises key questions for contemporary debates and current practice.

"Distinctive, thought-provoking and well written." Beth Longstaff, Community Development Exchange

"The strengths of this book lie in the reflections from experienced practitioners that raise key questions for contemporary debates and for current practice." Professor Marj Mayo, Goldsmiths College

Longstaff's testimonial in reviews

Michael Pitchford has worked within the voluntary and community sector for over fourteen years, currently as Practice Links Manager for the Community Development Foundation. Michael has specialised in community development with marginalised and disadvantaged communities, much of his work focusing on the development of community based initiatives. More recently, Michael has worked as Advisor to the National Community Forum in the Department for Communities and Local Government.

Paul Henderson was Director of Practice Development at CDF for over 10 years. Since retiring he has continued to write on a wide range of community development issues and has become a Trustee of the Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust.

Contents: Introduction; Community development: historical overview by Paul Henderson; A seat at the table?: the changing context for community development; Can we do more?: assessing the purpose and role of community development; Achieving change: the rise of partnerships and their impact on community development practice; Who is it for?: accountability and community development; Where is community development today?