Policy Press


Showing 109-120 of 124 items.

Inhabitation in Nature

Houses, People and Practices

Rejecting the assumption that housing and cities are separate from nature, David Clapham advances a new research framework that integrates housing with the rest of the natural world. Demonstrating the impact of housing on the non-human environment, the book considers the future direction of inhabitation policies on climate change and biodiversity.

Policy Press

Bringing Home the Housing Crisis

Politics, Precarity and Domicide in Austerity London

Often portrayed as an apolitical space, this book demonstrates that home is in fact a highly political concept. This book explores the legislative changes dismantling vulnerable groups’ rights to decent and affordable housing.

Policy Press

Housing and Life Course Dynamics

Changing Lives, Places and Inequalities

Deepening inequalities and wider processes of demographic, economic and social change are altering how people across the Global North move between homes and neighbourhoods over the lifespan. This book presents a life course framework for understanding how the changing dynamics of people’s lives influence their residential experiences.

Policy Press

Infrastructuring Urban Futures

The Politics of Remaking Cities

Focusing on material and social forms of infrastructure, this edited collection focuses on cities across the global North and South. Considering public health crises and climate change, the book argues that paying attention to infrastructures’ past, present and future allows us to understand and respond to the current urban condition.

Bristol Uni Press

The Short Guide to Town and Country Planning 2e

This fully updated short guide discusses the planning system, processes, legal constructs and approaches, taking into account the recent regulatory changes within the UK nations. It explores the interactions of government and society with the planning system, encouraging the reader to adopt a reflective and inquisitive outlook.

Policy Press

Contesting Aviation Expansion

Depoliticisation, Technologies of Government and Post-Aviation Futures

This book analyses the strategies used by public authorities to expand the UK aviation industry in relation to growing political opposition and the negative impacts on local communities and climate change. The authors promote a radical rethinking of our attitudes to flying, laying the ground for a more sustainable future.

Policy Press

Beyond Neighbourhood Planning

Knowledge, Care, Legitimacy

The past three decades have seen an international ‘turn to participation’ – letting those who will be affected by neighbourhood planning outcomes play an active role in decision-making. This innovative analysis brings theory, research, and practice together and gives insights into how and why citizen voices either become effective or get excluded.

Policy Press

Detroit after Bankruptcy

Are There Trends towards an Inclusive City?

Detroit is the first city of its size to become bankrupt and policy-makers have argued that, since then, it has entered a ‘new beginning’. This book analyses whether Detroit’s patterns of inequality on race and class lines still exist and whether the city is truly reversing its decline.

Bristol Uni Press

Private Renting in the Advanced Economies

Growth and Change in a Financialised World

Edited by Peter A. Kemp

This edited collection analyses recent changes in the private rental housing market, using case studies from the UK, Europe, Australia and the USA, and assesses the initial impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Policy Press

Planning in a Failing State

Reforming Spatial Governance in England

This topical book offers an analysis of the current state of the planning system in England and an evidence-based review of over a decade of change. With a critique of ongoing UK planning reforms, the book argues that the planning system is often blamed for a range of issues that are in fact the fault of ineffective policymaking.

Policy Press

Slow Planning?

Timescapes, Power and Democracy

A deep exploration on how questions of time and its organisation affect planning practice, this book questions ‘project speed’: where time to think, deliberate and plan has been squeezed. The authors demonstrate the many benefits of slow planning for the key participants, multiple interests and planning system overall.

Policy Press

Providing Public Space in a Contemporary Metropolis

Dilemmas and Lessons from London and Hong Kong

Contrasting London with Hong Kong, this book tells the story of the two cities’ public and private sector forms of public space governance. The authors consider the challenges and impacts that different forms of provision have on those with a stake in them, and on the cities as a whole.

Policy Press