Policy Press


Showing 85-96 of 433 items.

Diverse Voices in Public Law

Taking a unique and critical approach to the study of Public Law, this book explores the main topics in UK Public Law from a range of underexplored perspectives and amplifies the voices of scholars who are underrepresented in the field. It represents a much-needed complement to traditional textbooks in Public Law.

Bristol Uni Press

Gender and Citizenship in Transitional Justice

Everyday Experiences of Reparation and Reintegration in Colombia

Through two Colombian case studies, Sanne Weber identifies the ways in which conflict experiences are defined by structures of gender inequality, and how these could be transformed in the post-conflict context.

Bristol Uni Press

Unarmed Civilian Protection

A New Paradigm for Protection and Human Security

Featuring contributions from around the world, this edited collection provides a comprehensive account of unarmed civilian protection (UCP). It brings together a wide range of UCP practices and provides an important illustration of the contributions UCP can make, while also discussing its limitations and failures.

Bristol Uni Press

Displacement, Human Rights and Sexual and Reproductive Health

Conceptualizing Gender Protection Gaps in Latin America

Focusing on the flight of women and girls from Venezuela, this book examines the gendered nature of forced displacement and the ways in which the failures of protection regimes to be sensitive to displacement’s gendered character affect women and girls, and their sexual and reproductive health.

Bristol Uni Press

Knowledge Alchemy

Models and Agency in Global Knowledge Governance

Introducing the concept of ‘knowledge alchemy’ as the formulation of global standards through the use of indicators and algorithms, this book explores how knowledge alchemy increasingly informs national and institutional policies and practices on economic performance, higher education, research and innovation.

Bristol Uni Press

Global Neoliberal Capitalism and the Alternatives

From Social Democracy to State Capitalisms

This bold new book offers an exhaustive diagnosis of global capitalism. Proposing a novel system of economic and political coordination based on a combination of market socialism and state planning, it offers crucial insights for thinking about alternatives to capitalism.

Bristol Uni Press

The Battle for Britain

Crises, Conflicts and the Conjuncture

This book addresses the UK's social, political and economic turbulence, exploring proliferating crises and conflicts, from social dissent through rentier capitalism to the looming climate catastrophe and how they have produced a deepening ‘crisis of authority’ that forms the terrain of the Battle for Britain.

Bristol Uni Press

Policy-Making as Designing

The Added Value of Design Thinking for Public Administration and Public Policy

First published as a special issue of Policy & Politics, this book presents original critical reflections on the value of design approaches and how they relate to the classical idea of public administration as a design science.

Policy Press

Policy Analysis in Thailand

This book represents the first systematic overview of policy analysis in Thailand. By providing an overview of the history, styles and methods of policy analysis in Thailand, it will be a valuable resource for policy analysis researchers and practitioners.

Policy Press

Creating an Ecosocial Welfare Future

A uniquely hybrid approach to welfare state policy, ecological sustainability and social transformation, this book explores transformative models of welfare change. Using Ireland as a case study, it addresses the institutional adaptations needed to move towards a sustainable welfare state.

Policy Press

Who’s Afraid of Political Education?

The Challenge to Teach Civic Competence and Democratic Participation

Edited by Henry Tam

Experts on learning for democracy come together to explore why and how the gap in civic competence should be bridged. They make the case for a more effective form of political education that can enable citizens to learn to exert their influence over their government in an informed and meaningful manner.

Policy Press

The What Works Centres

Lessons and Insights from an Evidence Movement

Leaders, researchers and practitioners from the UK “What Works Network” share their insights on the successes, failures, and future of the What Works Centres, which have proven successful and popular across a number of policy settings.

Policy Press