Policy Press

Public health and epidemiology

Showing 1-12 of 46 items.

Working in Teams

A practical and accessible guide for students focussing on how inter-agency teams may be made to function more effectively, illustrated through real-life examples.

Policy Press

Women, Peace and Welfare

A Suppressed History of Social Reform, 1880-1920

Between 1880 and 1920 many women researched the conditions of social and economic life in Western countries, driven by a vision of a society based on welfare and altruism. Ann Oakley uses the women’s stories to bring together the histories of social reform, social science, welfare and pacifism.

Policy Press

What works in tackling health inequalities?

Pathways, policies and practice through the lifecourse

This authoritative yet accessible book identifies the key targets for intervention through a detailed exploration of pathways and processes that give rise to health inequalities. It sets this against an examination of both local practice and the national policy context, to establish what works in health inequalities policy, how and why.

Policy Press

What Works in Reducing Inequalities in Child Health?

This revised and updated edition of an important report looks at macro public policy interventions, community interventions, and individual level interventions in a variety of areas to ascertain 'what works' in practice. It includes new case studies, updated research references, and reference to cost effectiveness.

Policy Press

Using Theory to Explore Health, Medicine and Society

This student-friendly textbook uses theoretical perspectives to bring to life social theories relating to health and illness. including binge drinking, obesity, the prominence of therapy and the search for happiness.

Policy Press

Studying Health Inequalities

An Applied Approach

Through the framework of understanding health inequalities as a 'wicked problem' the book develops an applied approach to researching, understanding and addressing these by drawing on complexity theory.

Policy Press

Social Medicine

Polarisation and Perspectives

The second digital-only ebook taster of Unequal health: The scandal of our times by Danny Dorling. It gives a flavour of one of the major themes: social medicine and contains three chapters from the book, preceded by a specially-written all-new introduction.

Policy Press

Social inequality and public health

This book brings together the latest research findings from some of the most respected medical and social scientists in the world, surveying four pathways to understanding the social determinants of health.

Policy Press

Social Experiences of Breastfeeding

Building Bridges between Research, Policy and Practice

This edited collection brings together international academics, policy makers and practitioners to examine the social and cultural contexts of breastfeeding and looks at how policy and practice can apply this to women’s experiences.

Policy Press

Social Determinants of Health

An Interdisciplinary Approach to Social Inequality and Wellbeing

Edited by Adrian Bonner

Based on the ‘rainbow model’ of the social determinants of health, this book examines the key factors which can lead to poor quality of life, homelessness and reduced mortality.

Policy Press

Repealing the 8th

Reforming Irish Abortion Law

Irish law only currently allows for abortion where the life of the pregnant woman is at risk. A constitutional referendum will be held in 2018 to liberalise abortion law. This book offers practical proposals for policymakers and advocates, including model legislation, making it an essential campaigning tool leading up to the referendum.

Policy Press