Policy Press
Debunking the myths around the current economic belief systems, this book reveals how mainstream perspectives work for the benefit of the organised money establishment, while causing all manner of destructions and inequalities which work against the common good. It offers a refreshingly simple business strategy model for a truly sustainable future.

Debunking the myths around the current economic belief systems, this book reveals how mainstream perspectives work for the benefit of the organised money establishment, while causing all manner of destructions, inequalities and frauds, all conspiring against the common good.

Focused on the realities of organisational systems, Pearson offers a practical alternative to economic dogma.

Written from a distinctive perspective that combines practitioner and academic expertise, this book is structured as a simple model of business strategy and identifies necessary systems change in order to achieve a truly sustainable future.

“Pearson's book is a tour de force, written from a position of wisdom, historical knowledge, management experience and robust academic research. By addressing existing misconceptions about the economy, markets, finance and organizations, Pearson takes the reader on a journey of self-discovery, and equips current and future generations with the conceptual and practical tools necessary for imagining and crafting a more ethical, responsible and sustainable 'real economy'. This book could not be more timely; it is both a paradigm changer and a mesmerising read.” Mihaela Kelemen, University of Nottingham

"Gordon Pearson has written a significant and challenging book on the problems of modern economic belief systems. Subtle theoretical reflection is combined with meticulous research to yield a ground-breaking analysis. Highly recommended." John Hassard, The University of Manchester

"At last, a business and economics book for critical thinkers. Gordon Pearson, veteran businessman and academic, provides a stunning critique of microeconomic theory and practices that so damage our society." John Carlisle, Council Member, Newman University

Gordon Pearson, formerly Head of Department of Management and Director of MBA programmes at Keele University, has extensive experience in strategic business development, and is the author of eight books in the areas of strategic management, competition and co-operation.

Part 1 ~ Where Are We Now?

The ‘Witchcraft’ and ‘Institutional Truths’ of Neoclassical Belief

‘Old Enemies of Peace’: Constituents of Organised Money

Resulting Profound Wrongs, Destructions, Inequalities and Frauds

Part 2 ~ Where Do We Want to Get To?

Democratic Commitments to Sustainable Progression

Part 3 ~ How Do We Get There?

Real People – Engines of Enterprise

Organisational Systems and Their Coordination

Organisational Systems Interactions with the Real Economy

Part 4 ~ Action

Systemic Action for Progression without Destruction

Part 5 ~ How Are We Doing?

Measures of Real Progression