Policy Press

Research Ethics in the Real World

Euro-Western and Indigenous Perspectives

By Helen Kara

Research Ethics in the Real World highlights the links between research ethics and individual, social, professional, institutional, and political ethics. Helen Kara considers all stages of the research process and provides guidance for quantitative, qualitative, and mixed-methods researchers about how to act ethically throughout.

Research ethics and integrity are growing in importance as academics face increasing pressure to win grants and publish, and universities promote themselves in the competitive HE market. Research Ethics in the Real World is the first book to highlight the links between research ethics and individual, social, professional, institutional, and political ethics. Drawing on Indigenous and Euro-Western research traditions, Helen Kara considers all stages of the research process, from the formulation of a research question to aftercare for participants, data and findings. She argues that knowledge of both ethical approaches is helpful for researchers working in either paradigm.

Students, academics, and research ethics experts from around the world contribute real-world perspectives on navigating and managing ethics in practice. Research Ethics in the Real World provides guidance for quantitative, qualitative, and mixed-methods researchers from all disciplines about how to act ethically throughout your research work. This book is invaluable in supporting teachers of research ethics to design and deliver effective courses.

"...a great resource for thinking through ethics at every stage of the research design." The Evaluator

“This excellent book goes far beyond the basic tenet of “do no harm,” and its comprehensive and holistic approach to the very real ethical issues confronting scholars, especially those in qualitative research, provides a wonderful resource…Not only that, but the book is beautifully written and, despite the author’s clam that there are “not many laughs” to be found this reviewer has found herself repeatedly diving into her review copy just for the pleasure of it.” The Independent Scholar, Volume 5, Spring 2019

"User friendly and at the same time accurate, thought provoking and thorough. Perfect for early stage graduate research students." Lia Levin, Tel Aviv University

"While Research Ethics in the Real World is intended – and ideal – for an introductory class on research ethics, it will also prove valuable for researchers looking to expand their consideration of ethics into all areas of a research project, beyond simply ‘checking the box’ with their ethics review board." LSE Review of Books

"Provides guidance on developing ethical relationships that acknowledge the connectedness of all living and non-living things to improve researchers' contribution to social and environmental justice." Donna Mertens, Gallaudet University

"'Research Ethics in the Real World' is intended - and ideal - for an introductory class on research ethics; it will also prove valuable for researchers looking to expand their consideration of ethics into all areas of a research project." LSE Review of Books

"Using an inclusive approach, this book offers well-resourced and wide-ranging advice and guidance on recurrent research ethics issues, arranged by reference to the typical stages in the conduct of a research project." Colin Thomson, Senior Consultant AHRECS

"A wonderfully engaging book, full of vivid detail and well mapped out examples that will be of great use both in the classroom and in my own research. " Jon Dean, Sheffield Hallam University

Helen Kara has been an independent researcher since 1999 and specialises in research methods and ethics. She is the author of Research and Evaluation for Busy Students and Practitioners: A Time-Saving Guide (Policy Press, 2nd edn 2017) and Creative Research Methods for the Social Sciences: A Practical Guide (Policy Press, 2015). Helen is a Visiting Research Fellow at the UK's National Centre for Research Methods, and a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences.

Part one: research ethics in context;

1. Introduction;

2. Indigenous research and ethics;

3. Euro-Western research and ethics;

4. Research ethics regulation;

5. Evaluation research ethics;

Part two: Doing research ethically;

6. Planning research ethically;

7. Ethical context setting and literature review;

8. Ethical data gathering;

9. Ethical data analysis;

10. Ethical reporting;

11. Ethical presentation of research findings;

12. Ethical dissemination;

13. Ethical aftercare;

14. Researcher well-being;

15. Conclusion.