Policy Press

Social welfare and social insurance

Showing 1-12 of 195 items.

Work and Health in India

This interdisciplinary work connects the transformation of India’s labour market with changes in health and health problems to offer an analysis that is unprecedented in scope and depth.

Policy Press

Women, Peace and Welfare

A Suppressed History of Social Reform, 1880-1920

Between 1880 and 1920 many women researched the conditions of social and economic life in Western countries, driven by a vision of a society based on welfare and altruism. Ann Oakley uses the women’s stories to bring together the histories of social reform, social science, welfare and pacifism.

Policy Press

Women and Welfare Conditionality

Lived Experiences of Benefit Sanctions, Work and Welfare

Drawing on a wealth of qualitative longitudinal evidence, this book casts light on women’s lived experiences of welfare and work. It uncovers the hidden gendered bias of conditional welfare reforms to challenge dominant political discourses, policy design and practice norms.

Policy Press

Women and Criminal Justice

From the Corston Report to Transforming Rehabilitation

This book focuses on developments since the publication of the 2007 Corston Report into women and criminal justice. The challenges of working with women in the current climate also explored, translating lessons from good practice to policy development and recommending future directions arising from the ‘Transforming Rehabilitation’ plans.

Policy Press

Why We Need Welfare

Collective Action for the Common Good

Explains the challenges that collective welfare faces, and explores the complexities involved in delivering it, including debates about who benefits from welfare and how and where it is delivered.

Policy Press

Why We Need a Citizen’s Basic Income

This fully updated and revised edition of Money for everyone includes new material to move the debate around Basic Income on from one of desirability to that of feasibility and implementation.

Policy Press

Where Academia and Policy Meet

A Cross-National Perspective on the Involvement of Social Work Academics in Social Policy

Edited by John Gal and Idit Weiss-Gal

This unique perspective on the academia-society nexus is the first cross-national comparative study on academic engagement in social policy formulation.

Policy Press

What’s Wrong with Social Security Benefits?

This provocative short book is a valuable introduction to social security in Britain and the potential for its reform.

Policy Press

What Is the Future of Social Work?

This book offers a unique analysis of the challenges facing contemporary social work that considers the multi-faceted threats to the profession. It provides in-depth reflections on the future of social care practice and solutions for students and practitioners.

Policy Press

What future for social security?

Debates and reforms in national and cross-national perspective

It is widely assumed today that the 'welfare state' is contracting or retrenching as an effect of the close scrutiny to which entitlement to social security benefits is being subject in most developed countries. In this book, fifteen authorities from nine different countries investigate to what extent this assumption is warranted.

Policy Press

The Well-Being of Children in the UK

This is the classic assessment of the state of child well-being in the UK. This fourth edition has been updated to review the latest evidence, including the impact of the economic crisis and austerity measures since 2008. An essential resource.

Policy Press


In search of a good life?

This book considers what makes us happy, using a new approach that directly addresses the circumstances under which highly subjective well-being is experienced, often with surprising results. 

Policy Press