Policy Press

Social Work - Textbooks

Showing 1-12 of 117 items.

Adult lives

A life course perspective

'Adult Lives' is a diverse collection of readings from all stages of life which aim to understand how those living and working together in an ageing society relate to each other. It uses a holistic approach to understanding ageing in adulthood that is applicable to all, including those developing policy and in practice.

Policy Press

The Adult Safeguarding Practice Handbook

This essential practical guide to best practice in adult safeguarding enables students and practitioners to develop the skills, knowledge and ethical awareness to confidently address the challenges of adult safeguarding across a wide-range of practice contexts.

Policy Press

The Adult Safeguarding Practice Handbook 2e

The second edition of this best-selling book provides an essential guide to best practice in adult safeguarding. It has been updated to include recent legislation, guidance and research-based developments and relates them to useful practice examples.

Policy Press
  • ForthcomingPaperbackGBP 22.99 Pre-order
  • Currently not availableEPUBGBP 22.99

Applying Strengths-Based Approaches in Social Work

This key text offers the first overview of the strengths-based approach in social work from the UK perspective. Covering the five main models of strengths-based practice, with case studies and practical guidance on theory into practice, the text enables students and practitioners to apply the benefits in their own social work practice.

Policy Press

The Approved Mental Health Professional Practice Handbook

Approved Mental Health Professionals must possess and deploy a range of skills, knowledge and values in order to make ethically complex decisions on behalf of people with severe mental health difficulties. This invaluable handbook considers these challenges and provides in-depth guidance on all key aspects of the role.

Policy Press

Assessment in youth justice

This book provides a comprehensive introduction to the theory and practice of assessment and intervention planning with young people who offend .

Policy Press

The Best Interests Assessor Practice Handbook

Second edition

Essential reading for Best Interests Assessor students and practitioners, this fully-updated handbook gives practical advice on the legal aspects, values and practice elements of the role. It takes account of the Mental Capacity Amendment Act 2019 and the new context for practice in the Approved Mental Capacity Professional role.

Policy Press

Better Health in Harder Times

Active Citizens and Innovation on the Frontline

This book renews the collective compact that created our public services in the 1940s using voices from service users and service providers. Sections explore long-term conditions, service redesign, information technology, leadership, co-production and quality.

Policy Press

Better Partnership Working Complete Set


This exciting series of accessible 'how to' books provides an essential introduction to partnership working. 

Policy Press

Black issues in social work and social care

This book builds upon popular texts addressing anti-discriminatory frameworks but focuses specifically upon black perspectives in social work. It addresses new developments and charts the impact of social changes and new literature shaping social work theory and practice with black and minority individuals, families and communities.

Policy Press

Building the Client's Relational Base

A Multidisciplinary Handbook

The book focuses on an often neglected key condition, that sustainable and accountable personal relationships are a precondition for health and well-being, and argues that there are always opportunities to deepen the quality, and range, of the client's connections with their current and future significant-others.

Policy Press


Personal lives and social policy

Edited by Janet Fink

This book considers how normative assumptions about the meanings, practices and relationships of care are embedded in our everyday lives. It explores ways in which these shape our sense of self and the nature of our relations. It also examines how social policy and welfare practices construct relations and give or deny them meaning and validity.

Policy Press