Policy Press

The right use of money

Edited by David Darton

This book is about money. Not about how to make money, but how to use it and use it well. A range of stimulating articles from leading international thinkers and writers forms a thought-provoking collection on how we can all use money to achieve positive social change.

The range of topics discussed is broad, from questions of economics and government policy, corporate and individual responsibility to how voluntary organisations can ensure that their money is used wisely. Issues raised include: does the way we use money betray the next generation? Is dishonesty within our financial systems making it too difficult for consumers to make informed decisions? Are we wasting money on good intentions that do not match real need? How can individuals, foundations and others with social concerns ensure that all their assets are used effectively? The book concludes with suggested actions for government, business, financial institutions, voluntary organisations and individuals. Anyone concerned with issues of finance and social justice will want to read this book.

"Perhaps more businesses and aspiring millionaires in the United States should pay attention ... They could do worse than be apprentices to this book." Friends Journal

"Money is a force for good or evil depending on how individuals choose to use it. This admirable book sets out multiple ways in which the human condition can be improved through the trading, giving, stewarding and multiplying of money." Sir Paul Judge, Royal Society of Arts

"The use of money to achieve social aims and objectives is a central concern to everyone who wishes to make a positive contribution to society. The high calibre of the contributors and the breadth of views expressed makes this book a unique contribution to public debate." Lord Best, Joseph Rowntree Foundation

Contributors: Pierre Calame, Church of England Doctrine Commission, Philip Collins, Niall Cooper, Jonathan Dale, David Darton, Jed Emerson, Ram Gidoomal, Charles Handy, Julia Neuberger, Stephen O'Brien, Matthew Pike, Moraene Roberts, Dorothy Rowe, Tony Stoller and Polly Toynbee.

Part One: Overview Towards a 'right' use of money ~ David Darton; Part Two: The role of money in 21st-century Britain's economy: A 'full investment' approach ~ Jed Emerson; Meeting economic, environmental and social challenges simultaneously ~ Pierre Calame; Restoring the link between money, price signals and ethics ~ Jonathan Dale; Encouraging enterprise and decentralisation ~ Stephen O'Brien; Part Three: Ethical dimensions: Linking money and morality ~ Tony Stoller; Encouraging a 'giving' culture ~ Julia Neuberger; Managing the power of money ~ Church of England Doctrine Commission; Money, what is it for? ~ Charles Handy; Returning business ethics and philanthropy to corporate social responsibility ~ Philip Collins; Reducing inequality ~ Polly Toynbee; Part Four: Empowerment: Living on a low income Moraene Roberts; Hearing but not listening: why charities fail ~ Dorothy Rowe; Responding to cultural diversity ~ Ram Gidoomal; Conquering helplessness: ones and zeros ~ Mathew Pike; The myth of easy money: developing financial services that would really help ~ Niall Cooper; Part Five: Conclusions: Promising approaches and mechanisms ~ David Darton.