Policy Press

Voluntary Sector in Transition

Hard Times or New Opportunities?

By Linda Milbourne

The voluntary sector in transition explores the extensive growth and re-shaping of the voluntary sector following sweeping changes to social and welfare policy over 30 years.

Voluntary and community organisations have moved to the centre of political debates, as the new UK government reduces the scope of the state and locates solutions in civil society. This new book explores the extensive growth and reshaping of the voluntary sector following sweeping changes to social and welfare policy over 30 years. It draws on contemporary social and organisational theory and debates to consider whether surviving in the voluntary sector now depends on realigning activities and compromising independent goals and values.

"An interesting overview of changes faced by voluntary sector employees in the nature of their work." Work, Employment and Society

"This book brings together the most important challenges facing the voluntary sector today in a highly readable style. It is grounded in research, theoretically informed, and illustrates each theme with quotes from practitioners. It is a treasure trove of ideas that will become an indispensable source for policy makers, practitioners and researchers." Dr Mike Aiken, Co-operatives Research Unit, Open University

Linda Milbourne is a senior lecturer and course director for voluntary, community and youth studies in the School of Social Sciences at Birkbeck, University of London. She has undertaken research and teaching in higher education since 1998, focusing on hard-to-reach groups and social policy initiatives related to community-based work. Linda has over 20 years' experience of public and voluntary sector organisations, including as a public sector education manager, voluntary sector trustee and active campaigner.

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