Policy Press

Work and Labour Markets

Showing 13-24 of 63 items.

The Politics of Fiscal Welfare

Towards a Social Division of Welfare and Labour

The use of fiscal welfare has been growing over the past decades in European welfare states. This book sheds light on the use and effects of fiscal welfare in welfare and labour market reforms in both countries and examines the introduction of a 50% tax deduction on domiciliary care and household services.

Policy Press

The Degree Generation

The Making of Unequal Graduate Lives

This book traces the transition to the graduate labour market of a cohort of middle-class and working-class young people. Using personal stories and voices, it provides fascinating insights into their experience of graduate employment and how their life-course transitions are shaped by their social backgrounds and education.

Bristol Uni Press

The EU Migrant Generation in Asia

Middle-Class Aspirations in Asian Global Cities

Drawing on a comparative study with individuals who migrated to Singapore and Tokyo in 2010s, this book demonstrates how migration to Asian business centres has become an alternative to a middle-class life in Europe and how the perceived insecurities of life in the crisis-ridden EU result in these migrants’ prolonged stay in Asia.

Bristol Uni Press

The Welfare of the Middle Class

Changing Relations in European Welfare States

Contributing to debates on the unpredictability of middle-class attitudes and their changing relations with the welfare states in Europe, this book identifies key trends in the literature and considers the impact of recent welfare reforms on the middle class.

Policy Press

Older Workers in Transition

European Experiences in a Neoliberal Era

This collection explores a variety of job transitions for older people, including voluntary job moves, coming out of unemployment, temporary labour and passages into retirement. Each chapter hears the voices of older workers and employers, and is positioned within the context of various European countries, with important lessons for future policy.

Bristol Uni Press

The Flexibility Paradox

Why Flexible Working Leads to (Self-)Exploitation

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, flexible working has become the norm for many workers. This volume examines flexible working using data from 30 European countries and drawing on studies conducted in Australia, the US and India

Policy Press

Job Insecurity and Life Courses

Drawing from interviews and survey data across the EU and the UK, this in-depth study explores how worker instability is perceived and experienced, and how this “perception” in turn affects individuals’ economic and social situation. Using intersectional analysis, the authors identify groups who are more prone to labour market risks.

Bristol Uni Press

COVID-19 Stories from the Swedish Welfare State

The Pandemicracy

Based on field material collected from 2020 to 2022 in Sweden, this book tells a composite story of the everyday work of public sector workers that maintained the welfare infrastructure during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Bristol Uni Press

Work, families and organisations in transition

European perspectives

Based upon cross-national case studies of public and private sector workplaces, "Work, families and organisations in transition" illustrates how workplace practices and policies impact on employees' experiences of "work-life balance" in contemporary shifting contexts.

Policy Press

Women in and out of paid work

Changes across generations in Italy and Britain

The important study investigates changes in women's transitions in and out of paid work, comparing Italy and Great Britain across four subsequent birth cohorts from the time they leave full-time education, up to their 40s.

Policy Press

Beyond the workfare state

Labour markets, equalities and human rights

"Beyond the workfare state" explores equality, discrimination and human rights in relation to employability and 'welfare-to-work' policies bringing together a wide and distinctive range of illustrative studies that gives voice to a variety of potentially marginalised groups.

Policy Press

EU Migrant Workers, Brexit and Precarity

Polish Women's Perspectives from Inside the UK

How has the Brexit vote affected EU migrants in the UK? This book presents a female Polish perspective, using findings from research carried out with economic migrants from Poland interviewed before and after the Brexit vote.

Policy Press