Policy Press

Work and Labour Markets

Showing 13-24 of 63 items.

Graduates from disadvantaged families

Early labour market experiences

This is the last of three reports in a longitudinal study that has followed the journey of a group of young people from less advantaged families through Higher Education and into the labour market. This report focuses on the young people's progress from full-time study into the graduate labour market. Free PDF available at www.jrf.org.uk

Policy Press

People in low-paid informal work

'Need not greed'

This study examines the relationship between poverty and informal work. Exploring the experiences of people in low-paid informal work, it contends that unless government seeks to include the informal economy in its strategies, it will never be able to reach its employment or anti-poverty targets.

Free pdf version available at www.jrf.org.uk

Policy Press

Ethnic minorities in the labour market

Dynamics and diversity

The welfare of ethnic minority individuals in Britain depends critically on how they fare in the labour market. This report provides a detailed empirical analysis of labour market outcomes and explores how ethnically diverse these outcomes are and how they have changed over time.

A free pdf version is available at www.jrf.org.uk

Policy Press

New Labour/hard labour?

Restructuring and resistance inside the welfare industry

Edited by Gerry Mooney and Alex Law

This book provides the first critically informed discussion of work and workers in the UK welfare sector under New Labour. It examines the changing nature of work and explores the context of industrial relations across the welfare industry.

Policy Press

Beyond the workfare state

Labour markets, equalities and human rights

"Beyond the workfare state" explores equality, discrimination and human rights in relation to employability and 'welfare-to-work' policies bringing together a wide and distinctive range of illustrative studies that gives voice to a variety of potentially marginalised groups.

Policy Press

Towards a democratic division of labour in Europe?

The Combination Model as a new integrated approach to professional and family life

Towards a democratic division of labour? starts from the challenge of balancing values of 'equality' and 'freedom' in all sections of modern societies, introducing the Combination Model as a scientific tool for studying the division of professional and family work and for elaborating adequate policy perspectives.

Policy Press

Work, families and organisations in transition

European perspectives

Based upon cross-national case studies of public and private sector workplaces, "Work, families and organisations in transition" illustrates how workplace practices and policies impact on employees' experiences of "work-life balance" in contemporary shifting contexts.

Policy Press

Women in and out of paid work

Changes across generations in Italy and Britain

The important study investigates changes in women's transitions in and out of paid work, comparing Italy and Great Britain across four subsequent birth cohorts from the time they leave full-time education, up to their 40s.

Policy Press

The Political Economy of Work Security and Flexibility

Italy in Comparative Perspective

This book casts light on the empirical relationship between labour market deregulation through non-standard contracts and the three main dimensions of worker security: employment, income and social security.

Policy Press

Combining Paid Work and Family Care

Policies and Experiences in International Perspective

Highlighting what can be learned from individual experiences, the book analyses the changing welfare and labour market policies which shape the lives of working carers in Finland, Sweden, Australia, England, Japan and Taiwan.

Policy Press

Reconstructing Retirement

Work and Welfare in the UK and USA

This assessment of the prospects for work and retirement at age 65-plus in the UK and US is essential reading for researchers, students and practitioners interested in the late careers and the future of retirement.

Policy Press

Women's Emancipation and Civil Society Organisations

Challenging or Maintaining the Status Quo?

This collection examines the nexus between the emancipation of women, and their role(s) in civil service organisations. It covers the role of social media in organising, the significance of religion in many cultural contexts, activism in Eastern Europe and the impact of environmental degradation on women’s lives.

Policy Press