Policy Press

Young people in Europe

Labour markets and citizenship

Edited by Harriet Bradley and Jacques van Hoof

In a period of rapid social and economic change, labour markets are undergoing major transformations. This book explores the changing fortunes of young people in Europe's flexible and precarious labour markets and the range of policies that are being developed to help them deal with the problems they face.

In a period of rapid social and economic change, labour markets are undergoing major transformations. This book explores the changing fortunes of young people in Europe's flexible and precarious labour markets and the range of policies that are being developed to help them deal with the problems they face.

The book draws on recent research carried out across Europe to highlight a number of key dilemmas for youth policy: what help is needed for young people and their parents in coping with lengthened transitions from school to work? What types of training and education are most effective? Is a switch from general to vocational education needed? Is workfare the right solution? The contributors, who are all leading authorities in the field, challenge the conventional wisdom in many of these areas.

The book will be of interest to those researching and studying labour markets and youth policy, and to policy-makers and practitioners in these fields.

"... a wide-ranging and most informative portrayal of Europe's youth and their varying fortunes in the labour market." Journal of Social Policy

"Young People in Europe is a timely and important work that provides theoretical, policy and empirical perspectives on the situation of young people across the European Union. It is recommended reading for those concerned with youth issues." Claire Wallace, Institute for Advanced Studies, Vienna

Harriet Bradley has retired. Her books include Men's Work, Women's Work, Fractured Identities and Gender and Power in the Workplace.

Jacques van Hoof is Professor of Labour Management at the Radboud University Nijmegen in the Netherlands. He is co-editor and co-author of the books Industrial and Employment Relations and Women and the European Labour Markets.

Contents: Introduction Jacques van Hoof and Harriet Bradley; Part I: The reconstruction of youth citizenship Youth in the labour market: citizenship or exclusion? Herwig Reiter and Gary Craig; Social protection policies for young people: a cross-national comparison Gill Jones; Part II: Changing labour markets: inclusion and exclusion Young people and their contemporary labour market values Wim Plug and Manuela Du Bois-Reymond; Youth unemployment and job-seeking behaviour in Europe Jose Luis Alvaro and Alicia Garrido; Winners and losers: young people in the new economy Harriet Bradley; Youth in the labour market in Hungary and Slovenia: problems and perspectives Klara Foti, Martina Trbanc and Miroljub Ignjatovic; Excluded youth or young citizens? Ethnicity, young people and the labour market in three EU countires Gary Craig, Hans Dietrich and Jerome Gautie; Activation of alienation: youth unemployment within different European welfare communities Jan Carle and Torild Hammer; Part III: Policy options Vocational education and the integration of young people in the labour market: the case of the Netherlands Jacques van Hoof; Young people's transitions between education and the labour market: the Italian case Francesca Bianchi; Integration into work through active labour market policies in different welfare state regimes Ira Malmberg-Heimonen and Ilse Julkenen; Conclusion Harriet Bradley and Jacques van Hoof.