Policy Press

Communities, identities and crime

By Basia Spalek

This book provides a critical exploration of the importance of social identities when considering crime, victimisation and criminal justice and offers a refreshing perspective on the most significant developments in relation to equality and diversity issues that feature in policies and practices of criminal justice agencies.

Communities, identities and crime provides a critical exploration of the importance of social identities when considering crime, victimisation and criminal justice. 

Offering a refreshing perspective on equality and diversity developments that feature in the policies and practices of criminal justice agencies, the author critically examines:

'race' relations legislation, 'race' equality and criminal justice

gender, crime and victimisation

the increasing role that faith communities play in community justice

hate crimes committed against individuals, motivated by prejudice

community engagement and participation in criminal justice, community cohesion and civil renewal.

The book incorporates a broader theoretical focus, exploring identity theory, late modernity, identity constructions, communities and belongingness. The author also raises important theoretical and methodological issues that a focus upon social identities poses for the subject discipline of criminology.

Clearly written in an engaging style, with case studies and chapter questions used throughout, the book is essential reading for postgraduate students of criminology, criminal justice, social policy, sociology, victimology and law. Undergraduate students and criminal justice practitioners will also find the book informative and researchers will value its theoretical and policy focus.

"Very readable and accessible text that looks at central issues and themes from a critical perspective." Dr. Alan Grattan, University of WInchester

"This lucidly written book places notions of community and identity at the centre of a critical analysis of contemporary criminology. It is a 'must read' for all those concerned with (re)developing a critical criminology and social policy." Professor Nick Ellison, School of Sociology and Social Policy, University of Leeds

Basia Spalek is Senior Lecturer in Criminology and Criminal Justice at the University of Birmingham. She has extensive research experience in crime, victimisation and community justice with respect to diversity issues, communities and identities.

Introduction; Social identites in late modernity: offender and victim identity constructions; Equality and diversity agendas in criminal justice; Researching identitles and communities: key epistemological, methodological and ethical dilemmas; Communities and criminal justice: engaging legitimised, project and resistance identities; Gender, crime, victimisation and criminal justice; 'Race', crime and criminal justice; Faith identities, crime and criminal justice; Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender communities, crime, victimisation and criminal justice; Ageing, disability, criminology and criminal justice; Conclusion: communities, identities and criminology.