Policy Press

Call for Associate Editors 

The International Journal of Care and Caring (IJCC) invites expressions of interest in becoming an Associate Editor for this fast developing journal. Associate Editors will support the Editor-in-Chief, Professor Sue Yeandle, University of Sheffield UK and other members of the IJCC Editorial team by undertaking specific editorial roles in relation to research articles submitted for peer review.

We encourage applications by 30 May 2022. All applications and enquiries will be acknowledged.  

Aims and remit of the journal
IJCC was established to advance scholarship and debate in the important and expanding field of care and caring. Multidisciplinary and international in scope, it publishes high quality contributions on care, caring and carers from all regions of the world. It has a broad focus, covering care and caring for people of any age who have long-term conditions, disabilities or frailties, or who are seriously ill or near the end of life. It explores the economic, organisational, political, social, legal, familial, transnational and ethical settings in which this care occurs.

IJCC is concerned with care provided as paid work and as support for family members, friends or neighbours; with care in home, community and residential settings; and with formal and informal care relations, organisation, systems and markets. It focuses on 'receiving' and 'giving' care and on the gendered nature and social, political, legal and economic status and circumstances of care and caring. It debates the support needed in localities, workplaces and health systems to make care and caring feasible and rewarding for carers, and dignified and supportive of independence for care recipients. The journal welcomes contributions on caring relationships, the ethics and political economy of care, care as a focus of moral philosophy and feminist analysis and care and caring as sources of claims-making and challenge and as the spur for national and global social movements.

Role of Associate Editors
The role of IJCC Associate Editors is:

  1. When allocated an article to handle, to read the article carefully, paying attention to its title, abstract, text, any tables or figures, and references. (All articles undergo a technical check before allocation to editors.)

  2. To consider if an article is NOT ready for peer review - due to poor quality, unsuitable subject matter, poor English, etc., and if so, to advise the Editor-in-Chief of this promptly.

  3. For articles ready/suitable for peer review, to identify potential peer reviewers of high standing with relevant subject knowledge. [IJCC has a database of reviewers, to which names can be added, but does not invite PhD students or inexperienced scholars/researchers as peer reviewers.] Two reviewers are required, and two alternate reviewers should also be identified at this point (four in all), to save time later.

  4. When peer reviewers submit their opinions, to consider their comments, add their own suggestions or advice if appropriate, and recommend a decision, from the choice permitted within the Editorial Manager (EM) system. [Authors are normally given 28 days for minor revisions / 60 days for major revisions. They should be reminded to comply fully with the journal’s house style at this stage. Template letters are provided, but can be edited.]

  5. If an author is invited to re-submit, when it is received, to review the amended article (and the author’s comments on how they have responded) and send it for further review. (Normally revised articles are sent to the original peer reviewers, to enable them to comment on whether their previous criticisms or suggestions have been adequately addressed.)

  6. When an article is ready for publication, to request authors to submit a final version via the Editorial Manager system (in a process to subsequently be authorised by the Editor in Chief).
  7. In the peer review process, Associate Editors must at all times treat dealings with authors and peer reviewers, including their names and institutions, as confidential to assigned editors.


To apply, complete the Expression of Interest and send this with your summary CV (max. 2 pages) to IJCC Editorial Assistant Tom Hickman (ijcc@sheffield.ac.uk).

Tom Hickman) will offer additional advice if needed, and will normally respond to queries from an Assistant Editor within 3-4 working days (Tom works part-time on the journal, on three days each week).  

Training on using the journal’s Editorial Manager system will be provided.

The period of office for an Associate Editor is negotiable, but in the first instance would normally of between 18 to 24 months.

If a paper requires substantial editing for English language this should be communicated to the Editor in Chief at this stage. Policy Press provides access to a Language Editing Service for any authors whose articles require this prior to peer review.

The Editorial Manager system will automatically send reminders to late reviewers and prompts if further action is required, on behalf of the editor assigned to the manuscript.