Policy Press

Remaking governance

Peoples, politics and the public sphere

Edited by Janet Newman

There has been an explosion of new forms of governance as societies adapt to economic, social and political change. This book highlights the dynamics of the social, cultural and institutional practices involved in 'remaking' governance. It is structured around three key themes: the remaking of peoples, publics and politics.

Remaking governance focuses on the dynamics of change as new strategies - active citizenship, public participation, partnership working, consumerism - encounter existing institutions. It explores different sites and practices of governing, from the remaking of Europe to the increasing focus on 'community' and 'personhood' in governing social life.

The authors critically engage with existing theory across political science, social policy, sociology and public administration and management to explore how 'the social' is constituted through governance practices. This includes the ways in which the spaces and territories of governing are remade and the peoples constituted; how the public domain is re-imagined and new forms of state-citizen relationships fostered and how the remaking of governance shapes our understanding of politics, changing the ways in which citizens engage with political power and the selves they bring to that engagement. 

Remaking governance is essential reading for academics and students across a range of social science disciplines, and of interest to those engaged in policy evaluation and reform.

"Remaking Governance is a search for the 'social' in social policy. It also underlines the role of the nation states and national governments in contrast to the 'hollowing out of the state' theses of governance literature. This edited book successfully presents an enhanced view of the term social to rethink governance." Political Studies Review

"This edited book successfully presents an enhanced view of the term social to rethink governance." Political Studies Review

"This ground-breaking book provides many new insights into the social significance of governance. Drawing on relevant strands of social and cultural theory, Remaking governance provides a sustained critical analysis of unfolding governance-related ideas and practices at European and national level. It should move quickly into the canon of governance studies." Professor Mary Daly, School of Sociology and Social Policy, Queen's University Belfast

Janet Newman is Professor of Social Policy at the Open University. Her previous book, Modernising Governance: New Labour, Policy and Society, is a key text on undergraduate and masters programmes across Europe, Australasia and North America.

Introduction ~ Janet Newman; Reconstituting Europe: governing a European people? ~ John Clarke; Governance and the constitution of a European social ~ Emma Carmel; Remaking European governance: transition, accession and integration ~ Noémi Lendvai; Regendering governance ~ Janet Newman; Welfare governance and the remaking of citizenship ~ Håkan Johansson and Bjørn Hvinden; Participative governance and the remaking of the public sphere ~ Janet Newman; Promoting democratic governance through partnerships? ~ Rebekah Sterling; Among everyday makers and expert citizens ~ Henrik Bang; Governance and the transformation of political representation ~ Michael Saward; Conclusion ~ Janet Newman.