Policy Press


Our monographs, multi-authored and edited works include original scholarly research, thorough and structured reviews of important subjects and engaging works that push forward the boundaries of the disciplines in which we publish.

Showing 121-132 of 1,604 items.

Zero tolerance policing

This book examines the key issues of what policing is about and who defines it by exploring the notion of zero tolerance and its application in different settings.

Policy Press
  • AvailablePaperback

Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements and Youth Justice

This report provides a detailed exploration of MAPPA policy and practice in order to prompt further debate about the implications of the risk paradigm for young people and youth justice practitioners.

Policy Press
  • AvailablePaperback

Tackling prison overcrowding

Build more prisons? Sentence fewer offenders?

Lord Carter's "Review of Prisons" (2007), proposed the construction of vast 'Titan' prisons to deal with the problem of prison overcrowding, the establishment of a Sentencing Commission for keeping judicial demand for prison places in line with supply, and further use of the private sector. This book is a response to these controversial proposals.

Policy Press
  • AvailablePaperback

Platform Politics

Corporate Power, Grassroots Movements and the Sharing Economy

This book charts the rise and fall of the ‘sharing economy’, the controversial lobbying tactics used by the central companies and the backlash seen so far. It offers key policy recommendations and presents state-of-the-art knowledge around the past, present and future of the platform economy.

Bristol Uni Press
  • ForthcomingPaperback
  • ForthcomingHardback
  • Currently not availableEPUB

From dependency to work

Addressing the multiple needs of offenders with drug problems

This report presents an evaluation of a programme to integrate drug and alcohol treatment with mental health services, education, training and employment support. It provides an invaluable insight into the challenges and difficulties of integrating services in this way and highlights important lessons for central and regional government.

Policy Press
  • AvailablePaperback

Including the excluded

From practice to policy in European community development

This book provides an in-depth study of how community development can contribute to tackling social exclusion. Examples from policy and practice in the UK, Spain, Belgium, Sweden and Norway are discussed, with additional information from Denmark, Ireland and Hungary.

Policy Press
  • AvailablePaperback

Law and Society in a Populist Age

Balancing Individual Rights and the Common Good

Amitai Etzioni argues for a new liberal communitarian approach as an effective response to populism. The book considers national security versus privacy, private sector responsibility, freedom of the press, campaign finance reform, regulatory law and the legal status of terrorists, offering a timely discussion of key issues.

Bristol Uni Press
  • AvailablePaperback
  • AvailableHardback
  • AvailableEPUB
  • AvailableKindle

Vicarious Warfare

American Strategy and the Illusion of War on the Cheap

This compelling account charts the historical emergence of vicarious warfare and its contemporary prominence. It contrasts its tactical advantages with its hidden costs and potential to cause significant strategic harm.

Bristol Uni Press
  • AvailablePaperback
  • AvailableHardback
  • AvailableEPUB

Concrete Cities

Why We Need to Build Differently

Global building and construction cultures are hard-wired to constructing too much, too badly, with major social and ecological consequences. Rob Imrie calls us to build less and to build better as a pre-requisite for enhancing welfare and well-being.

Bristol Uni Press
  • AvailablePaperback
  • AvailableHardback
  • AvailableEPUB

The Next Welfare State?

UK Welfare after COVID-19

In this book, Chris Pierson argues that we will need to think quite differently about the British welfare state after COVID-19. He looks back to the welfare state’s origins and development as well as forwards, unearthing some surprising solutions in unexpected places.

Policy Press
  • AvailablePaperback
  • AvailableHardback
  • AvailableEPUB

Defund the Police

An International Insurrection

This book examines the ‘defund the police’ movement from historical and contemporary perspectives. Against the backdrop of abolition and the failure of police reform, it uses international case studies to reimagine community safety beyond policing and imprisonment.

Policy Press
  • AvailablePaperback
  • AvailableHardback
  • AvailableEPUB

Retreat or Resolution?

Tackling the Crisis of Mass Higher Education

Peter Scott examines the development of mass higher education and calls for robust action to secure fair access at all levels and changes in the governance and management at both system and institutional levels to ensure more democratic accountability.

Policy Press
  • AvailablePaperback
  • AvailableHardback
  • AvailableEPUB