Policy Press
Drawing on the authors’ extensive experience as educators, this book puts forward a new model of social work practice that both supports and protects service users across the lifecourse.

Crossing the traditional divide between social work with children and families and adults, this text applies a lifecourse perspective, within an ecological frame. Based on the principle that practice drives theory, a practical approach for social work is put forward using five interconnected themes:

•duality of support and protection

•life transitions and life events

•intergenerational relations

•civic partnership and engagement

•health and wellbeing

Designed for students and practitioners, this text takes an enquiry-based approach using Critical ART (analysis, reflection and thinking). The book features:

•case studies

•research examples

•tips for Critical ART in practice

•further reading and resources

“This book makes an important contribution to how students are supported to think about the lifecourse from both the perspective of their service users and their own practise.” Professor John Devaney, University of Edinburgh

“This is an ambitious and important book. Drawing on Ecological and Lifecourse approaches it develops and applies a very helpful framework for informing the policy and practice of social work and the 'social professions' more generally. It will prove invaluable to students, practitioners. managers and educators.” Nigel Parton, University of Huddersfield

"This is an excellent book. A ‘must read’ with informative and accessible insight into questions of support and protection over the life course. It will change the way we think." Jenny Pearce, Bedfordshire University

Caroline McGregor is a Senior Research Fellow at the UNESCO Child and Family Research Centre and Professor at the School of Political Science and Sociology at National University of Ireland Galway.

Pat Dolan is Director of the UNESCO Chair in Children, Youth and Civic Engagement and Director of the Institute for Lifecourse and Society at National University of Ireland Galway.


Part 1: Introduction to the Framework and our Approach

Setting the Scene

Theoretical Perspectives Informing our Framework

Part 2: Applying our Support and Protection Framework in Practice

Safeguarding, Protection and Support

Enlisting Family and Social Support

Empathy, Resilience and Social Support

Transitions Across the Lifecourse

Managing and Challenging ‘Disrupted Development’

Activating the Framework at Exo- and Macro-Level Interactions in Practice

Part 3: Bringing it Together

Practical Ways Forward for Social Work Theory and Knowledge

Binding our Learning Together and Looking Forward