Policy Press
Matthew Quinn plots a landmark reimagination of governance and public administration, underpinned by sustainable development and civic republicanism.

In this timely analysis, Matthew J. Quinn plots a landmark reimagination of governance and public administration, underpinned by sustainable development and civic republicanism.

He draws on governance literature and Foucault’s concept of governmentality to demonstrate the anachronism of existing bureaucratic norms and how these have thwarted sustainability and fuelled right-wing populism. Using international examples and the author’s own extensive experience in sustainability governance as a senior UK official, the book proposes a new civic bureaucracy which fosters societal engagement and dialogue. It sheds new light on debates about the emerging crisis of governance, the role of public bureaucracy and the means to embed sustainability in governance.

“Matthew J. Quinn’s research has been at the heart of developing sustainable and democratic governance structures which are vital to securing fairness for all and healthy environments. His book is essential reading for everyone who shares this concern.” Peter Davies, Trustee, Foundation for Democracy and Sustainable Development

"Matthew J. Quinn has done the impossible: chartered what it means to govern for genuine sustainability. Drawing on his unique experience, especially in Wales, this is an object lesson in the changes we must make if we are to save ourselves and the planet for future generations." Fiona Reynolds, Emmanuel College

“Matthew J. Quinn offers hope in civic dialogue as a pathway to deep changes needed to live well with the earth, to transform government itself from controller to enabler of deep change and to create a legal framework for a ‘liberated public bureaucracy’.” Harriet Friedmann, University of Toronto and Toronto Food Policy Council

Matthew J. Quinn has over 30 years of experience of work on sustainability governance as a senior UK official. He is Distinguished Visiting Fellow at Cardiff University.


1. Framing the Thinking

2. Governance and Sustainable Development as Governmentality

3. Bureaucratic Practice and Governmentality

4. Lessons from Governing for Sustainable Development

5. Towards a New Civic Bureaucracy

Closing Words