Policy Press
Pat Thomson takes on England’s muddled education system and exposes fraudulent and unethical practices, including the skewing of the curriculum and manipulation of results. She argues for an urgent review of current practices, leading to a revitalised education system that has the public good at its heart.

With almost daily reports of failings in school management, what can be done to improve educational outcomes for everyone?

Pat Thomson takes on England’s muddled education system, highlighting failings caused by the actions of ministers in successive governments. While corrupt actions are taken by some, it is predominantly the corruption of the system that is at fault. She exposes fraudulent and unethical practices, including the skewing of the curriculum and manipulation of results, and argues for an urgent review, leading to a revitalised education system that has the public good at its heart.

“This long-overdue book… argu[es] that the marketisation and commodification of schooling have done huge damage and must be replaced, root and branch, at the next political opportunity.” Morning Star

"Beautifully written, impeccably researched. Essential reading for anyone interested in the policy and politics of education systems." Alex Southern, University of Wales Trinity Saint David

"A significant go-to text for thoseaiming to make sense of the English school landscape and the book’s accessible style makes it ideal for educational leaders and a range of policymakers and scholars." Educational Review

"A remarkable book of immense contemporary importance and enduring value. Both a rigorous exposure of the endemic corruption of market-led education systems and a compelling affirmation of a ‘socially just public good’ alternative." Michael Fielding, UCL Institute of Education

"This is a book that someone had to write – it is overdue and important. Pat Thomson has done a service in exposing the corruptions, irregularities and greed that are now rife in England’s muddled, incoherent, neoliberal education system. It is a book that will make you angry and sad in equal measure." Stephen J. Ball, Institute of Education, University College London

"A well-researched, closely argued and scholarly book, combining theory with vivid contemporary examples, this is a good read that deals with a topic that is extremely timely and relevant." Peter Moss, UCL Institute of Education, University College London

“An invaluable critique of a neo-liberal school system where commitment to the public good has been eroded. The book contains important lessons for other countries where policy agendas of privatization contest long-standing welfare traditions.” Nafsika Alexiadou, Umeå University, Sweden

“In this insightful, highly readable and well-informed analysis, Pat Thomson reveals how repeated organisational restructuring in England’s schools in pursuit of efficiency and effectiveness has crowded out a commitment to the public good and created space for corrupted practices...essential reading for all concerned about the relationship between education and the state.” Paul M Heywood, University of Nottingham

“In this probing interrogation, Thomson reveals a schooling system behaving badly and argues instead for systems grounded in integrity and practices that restore trust. Only then can we escape our current education muddle.” Trevor Gale, University of Glasgow

"A mandatory read for all education stakeholders. Thomson forensically analyses how privatisation in the UK facilitates corrupt practices, compromises efficiency and effectiveness, and damages trust in public institutions." Jill Blackmore, Deakin University

“A vital piece of work. Thomson has undertaken a forensic collection and analysis of a vast array of events, practices, and claims that are corrupt and corrupting of those in the English public system and it is it is beyond shocking to see what is going on. She demonstrates how privatisation works through private practices that have public implications.” Helen Gunter, University of Manchester

"Drawing on research, policies and investigative journalism, Pat Thomson forensically traces multiple forms of corruption in education. As such, she has done all concerned for public education a great service." Bob Lingard, University of Queensland

"A timely and important book. Its powerful critical analysis of many current educational policies and practices reminds us of what needs to be done if education is to be more truly democratic." Michael W. Apple, University of Wisconsin, Madison

“This scrupulously researched book reveals the muddle of our public education system. It provides numerous examples of how the system has been corrupted and suggests positive ways in which maladministration could be combated”. Peter Mortimore, Former Director, Institute of Education, University of London

'In this timely and engrossing investigation of corruption and corrupted practices within our education systems, Pat Thomson lays bare the inefficiency and ethical costs of market deregulation. A must read!'. Andrew Wilkins, Goldsmiths, University of London

Pat Thomson is Professor of Education at the University of Nottingham and Visiting Professor at Deakin University, Australia, The University of South Australia, the University of Iceland and the University of the Free State South Africa.. She was previously a headteacher and senior public servant in the Australian school system. She has published many books, is an active blogger at patthomson.net and tweets at @ThomsonPat.

A book about corruption in schools

A scandalous schooling muddle

Reforming public infrastructure

Costly measures

Market mentalities and malpractices

The effects of effectiveness

Secrecy, lies and gaming

Rebuilding organisational infrastructure

A public good agenda for change