Policy Press

Social Problems in the Age of COVID-19 Vol 2

Global Perspectives

Edited by Glenn Muschert, Kristen Budd, David Lane and Jason Smith


Oct 21, 2020

Page count

192 pages

Browse the series

SSSP Agendas for Social Justice





Policy Press


Oct 21, 2020

Page count

192 pages

Browse the series

SSSP Agendas for Social Justice





Policy Press
Social Problems in the Age of COVID-19 Vol 2

The COVID-19 pandemic is having far-reaching political and social consequences across the globe. Published in collaboration with the Society for the Study of Social Problems (SSSP), this book addresses the greatest social challenges facing the world as a result of the pandemic.

The authors propose public policy solutions to help refugees, migrant workers, victims of human trafficking, indigenous populations and the invisible poor of the Global South.

Glenn Muschert is Professor of Sociology at Khalifa University of Science and Technology in Abu Dhabi, UAE. His research focuses on social problems, digital technologies, and sustainable development.

Kristen M. Budd is Associate Professor of Sociology and Criminology at Miami University. Her research focuses on sexually motivated interpersonal violence, including social and legal responses to interpersonal violence.

David C. Lane is Assistant professor in the Department of Criminal Justice Sciences at Illinois State University. His research focuses are tattooing, the relationship between disasters and crime, and understanding contemporary social problems.

Jason A. Smith is a Senior Analyst with National Market Research at the Kaiser Foundation Health Plan. His research focuses on racial inequities, organizations, media studies, and consumer branding and innovation.

Presidential Welcome ~ Corey W. Dolgon

Editorial Introduction ~ Glenn W. Muschert, Kristen M. Budd, David C. Lane and Jason M. Smith

Isolation, Economic Desperation, and Exploitation: Human Trafficking and the COVID-19 Crisis ~ Brittany Keegan

Uncertainty and Disruption in the Transition to Adulthood during COVID-19 ~ Arnaldo Mont’Alvao, Pamela Aronson and Jeylan Mortimer

Disability Rights and Healthcare Rationing during COVID-19 ~ Bradley W. Williams

Social-Distancing the Settler-State: Indigenous Peoples in the Age of COVID-19 ~ Theresa Rocha Beardall

The Pandemic and the Invisible Poor of the Global South: Slum Dwellers in Mumbai, India and Dhaka, Bangladesh ~ Nikhil Deb and Maya Rao

The Human Right to Water and Sanitation in the Age of COVID-19 ~ Yvonne A. Braun

Pandemic Perils of Migrant Workers: Inequalities Intensified ~ Reema Sen and Brian Gran

Food Insecurity and COVID-19 ~ Ninette Rothmüller

Protecting Refugee Health and Human Rights in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Challenges and Pathways to Justice ~ Alex Oteino

COVID-19 Requires an Intersectional Feminist Policy Response ~ Kristy Kelly

End Matter

Think Piece: On Values, Security, and Wellbeing under the COVID-19 Pandemic in 2020 ~ Tatiana Karabchuk

Afterword ~ Michael Adorjan