Policy Press

Women and Community Action

Local and Global Perspectives

By Lena Dominelli

This third edition looks at how several decades of feminist social action have changed women’s place in the world today and updates some of the perennial challenges facing women globally to engage with new issues, including digital exclusion, sustainable development and environmental justice.

Historically, women and men have been assigned to different spaces in their communities. Although several decades of feminist social action have made significant progress to the social, economic and political condition of many women, change has been uneven and there remain considerable advancements to be made globally.

This valuable third edition considers women’s changing position in the world today, updating some of the perennial challenges that women face and examining new and emerging issues including digital exclusion, sustainable community development and environmental justice.

Published in association with the British Association of Social Workers, this book is an invaluable resource for students and practitioners of social work, community work, sociology and social policy.

“Women and Community Action has been an essential resource, bringing feminist understandings to community development studies. This updated edition brings new insights, a very welcome addition to the field.” Marjorie Mayo, Emeritus Professor of Community Development at Goldsmiths, University of London

"This revised third edition contributes a vital and thought-provoking analysis of women’s changing position in the world and, in particular, the critical role of women in changing community contexts." Mae Shaw, University of Edinburgh

“This new volume of Women and Community Action is especially valuable in a fast-changing global and national landscape. It is a must-read for social work, community education and community work scholars, activists and practitioners.” Fin Cullen, St. Mary’s University

Lena Dominelli holds a chair in Applied Social Sciences in the School of Applied Social Sciences and is Co-Director at the Institute of Hazards, Risk and Resilience Research at Durham University, UK, with particular responsibility for work on vulnerability and resilience.

Introduction: Community, an Undervalued Women’s Space;

Creating and Recreating Communities as Gendered Entities;

Women and Social Action: Social Change at the Individual Level;

Women and Social Action: Social Change through Group Activities and Networks;

Social Change through Collective Action: Campaigns and Mass Mobilizations;

Feminist Action in the Workplace;

Increasing Women’s Position in Parliament, Governance and Decision-making structures;

Sustainable Community Development;

International Policy Change and Mainstreaming Women’s Actions in Communities;


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