Policy Press

Social Policy Review 26

Analysis and Debate in Social Policy, 2014

Edited by Kevin Farnsworth, Zoë Irving and Menno Fenger

This important annual volume examines the economic and political challenges that have confronted governments over the past year, and highlights the diverse ways in which nations have responded, providing academics and students with an invaluable up-to-date analysis of the current state of social policy.

Since the 2008 economic crisis, each year has brought new challenges to welfare states. This important annual volume with contributions from an exciting mix of internationally renowned experts within the social policy community examines the economic and political challenges that have confronted governments, and highlights the diverse ways in which nations have responded. Part One explores the most pressing questions confronting British social policy, from the school-leaving age, employment, in-work benefits to taxation. Part Two examines the political and professional dilemmas involved in the delivery and financing of social policy. Part Three identifies the challenges in integrating social policy with other areas of the welfare state, including social care, health policy and labour market policy. This comprehensive discussion of the most challenging issues arising during the past year provides academics and students with an invaluable up-to-date analysis of the current state of social policy.

Kevin Farnsworth is Senior Lecturer in Social Policy at the University of Sheffield. His recent research has focused on welfare states during the recent economic crisis and comparative corporate welfare states.

Zoe Irving is Senior Lecturer in Comparative Social Policy at the University of Sheffield. Her current research explores the relationship between size and shape in welfare states.

Menno Fenger is associate professor of Public Administration at Erasmus University Rotterdam. He is currently is the project manager of INSPIRES, an EU-FP7 funded research programme and his research focuses on processes of long-term policy change.

Section 1. Debates in core social policy;

Crisis and welfare mix ~ Maggie May and Ed Brunsdon;

Pensions ~ Liam Foster;

Education (schooling) ~ Ross Ferguson;

Making UK tax system progressive ~ David Byrne;

Section 2. SPA conference theme;

Better to please the coroner than the auditor: Social Policy delivery in challenging times ~ Michael Hill;

No Future to Risk? The impact of economic crises and austerity on the inclusion of young people within distinct European labour market settings ~ Marion Ellison;

Social Impact Bonds: Shifting the boundaries of citizenship ~ Stephen Sinclair;

Creating a legacy of long-term indebtedness: The toxic impact of payday loans ~ Steve Iafrati;

Finding Aristotle on the frontline: Phronesis and social work ~ Emilie Whitaker;

Section 3. Fenger themed section. Towards integrated services? The integration of social policies and other policy domains;

Integration of social and labour market policy institutions: towards more accountability and responsiveness? ~ Giuliano Bonoli & Cyrielle Champion;

The three ‘big decentralizations’. The institutional revolution in youth care, social care and social assistance in the Netherlands ~ Duco Bannink;

Integration in the Nordic countries ~ Renate Minas;

Integrated social services for rural communities in Queensland: experiences from ‘down under’ ~ Robyn Keast;

Health care and social policy UK Experiences.